
  1. M

    Windows 10 Virtual box (rc=-5640) Error

    Dear All, I taken latest windows 10 [1709] 64 bit VS 5.2 September 2018 (i5-8400 2.80 GHz 2.81 GHz) m/c and installed Oracle VirtualBox-5.2.22 Oracle Virtual m/c. when I create virtual Linux Ubunto 64 bit its created successfully but issue comes when I start this I am getting following...
  2. M

    Windows 10 Had windows 8 before, and now I have to downgrade to 7?!

    Hello. I'm new to posting / Threading or however you call it. This is a strange thing that happened to me. I downloaded Windows 10. Because I made a reservation. But I don't like Windows 10, because I can't open some programs, or they don't work. So, I looked up how to downgrade to my older...
  3. Using Chakra for Scripting Applications across Windows 10

    In Windows 10, the Chakra JavaScript engine powers Link Removed and Windows applications written in HTML/CSS/JS. However with JavaScript’s increasing popularity in beyond-the-browser scenarios, developers have been requesting to host the Chakra engine outside the browser to enable JavaScript...
  4. Windows 7 [VB.NET] - Form Fade Switcher Module

    Here's a cool module I created a while ago. I got the idea with some cool fading effects... Maybe you'll find use for this too :) If you want something fancy, try this Module I came up with: Imports System.Threading Module FormSwitcher <System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _...
  5. A

    Windows 7 Extremely Regular BSOD

    Hey, Ive started getting BSOD alot! Ive fully reinstalled windows 7 twice. It usually happens in games such as Team fortress 2 and minecraft My specs AMD Athlon 64x 3.22GHz 9800GTX+OC x 2 running in sli 4GB ram Would really appreciate help - Thanks in advance, Ash. A log that appeared on my...
  6. You may not receive correct rich error information when a COM application encounters an error in Win

    Fixes an issue that occurs when a COM application encounters an error. This issue occurs when the application uses the Neutral Apartment threading model for the COM objects in Windows 7 SP1 or in Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1. Link Removed
  7. Windows 7 Audio Fundamentals

    This video covers the basics of reading audio data from the Kinect microphone array, a demo adapted from the built in audio recorder. The video also covers speech recognition using Kinect. For the built in example this was based on and the speech demo in C#, check out your "My...
  8. Windows 7 - Threading with Jeff Richter

    Years ago I did one of my first podcasts with Jeff Richter, and later I took his advanced threading class, which was fantastic. Jeff really helped me to understand threads, thread pools, and why async is so important when building server side code. In this episode, Jeff joins me to bring you up...
  9. Windows 7 TWC9: MVC3 Tools Update, AntiXSS, Freeze yourself in Carbonite using Kinect

    This week on Channel 9, Dan is joined by Clint to discuss the week's top developer news, including: [Link Removed] Nikhil Kothari - Link Removed, A C# API for building JavaScript [Link Removed] Charles Torre - Q&A with Anders Hejlsberg, creator of the C# programming language [Link Removed]...
  10. Windows 7 - WF4 Workflow Episodes - a Task Based API

    In this episode I'll show you an experimental API prototype I created which allows you to invoke a workflow as a task using System.Threading.Task. The benefit of doing this is you get a much simpler API for using WorkflowApplication. This API is included in the latest release of Link Removed...
  11. Windows 7 Mark Russinovich: Windows Azure, Cloud Operating Systems and Platform as a Service

    Mark Russinovich is a Technical Fellow working on the Windows Azure team. His focus is on solving hard problems related to the Fabric Controller, which is in some sense the Windows Azure operating system kernel - it provides services and management infrastructure for the applications that run on...
  12. Windows 7 Nvidia purposefully hobbles PhysX on the CPU

    Charlie is at it again: NVIDIA JUST HAD one of their most sleazy marketing tactics exposed, that PhysX is faster on a GPU than a CPU. As David Kanter at Real World Tech proves, the only reason that PhysX is faster on a GPU is because Nvidia purposely hobbles it on the CPU. If they didn't, PhysX...