
  1. Windows 10 is empowering developers to dream again

    Yesterday Terry showed you how Link Removed will usher in a new generation of Windows by powering innovation and more personal computing across the largest range of devices, including Microsoft Surface Hub and the world’s first holographic computing platform; Microsoft HoloLens. Windows 10 will...
  2. VIDEO Half-swording - Why grabbing a sharp blade in a sword fight is not crazy

  3. VIDEO Which historical weapons require the least skill to use?

    :andwhat: :up:
  4. VIDEO Shaolin kung fu basic movements

    :cool: :applaud:
  5. VIDEO Training helps farmers in Sierra Leone's Ebola hit areas

    :eek: :up:

    :eek: :up: :zoned:
  7. VIDEO Providence nurse speaks about Ebola safety experience

    :up: :applaud:
  8. VIDEO true power of shaolin kung fu

    :eek: :applaud:
  9. VIDEO Greatest Nunchuck Lesson Ever Las Vegas Nunchucks lesson 1 The Basics

  10. VIDEO Lets hope your local police havent been trained like this mob!!!

  11. VIDEO How to hold the quarterstaff

    :eek: :shocked:
  12. VIDEO The Best Krav Maga practitioner in the World

    :eek: :shocked:
  13. Windows User Group-Tour dates

    The Windows User Group is brought to you by three UK based Windows MVPs; Andrew Bettany, Chris Rhodes and Mike Halsey. They have created a 'roadshow' in which to help others better understand the finer points of Microsoft's Windows. Unfortunately this is only held in the UK for now. 'Extremely...
  14. G

    Windows 8 You real developers are lucky

    So, I decided to spend today dedicated to just optimizing my apps. Like shortening them, etc. So, I went through my older apps and oh my goodness thousands of lines of codes that were unnecessary. I managed to put all the common subroutines into a class and voila I shortened the codes by...
  15. Best Windows Server Versions for a Learning Cluster: 2003, 2008, or 2012?

    I am looking at making a little cluster of servers for class and as a practice area for working with servers. Even though it is not for production I want it to be able to work as if it where. This question is about what you as individuals have to say, not really a right or wrong or concrete...
  16. G

    Windows 7 Win 7 voice recognition question

    I have literally hundreds of hours of excellent quality audio of my (late) father speaking. I would very much like to be able to use Windows 7 voice recognition to transcribe these audio's into text, but from what I know about speech recognition apps - they all seem to require training via a...
  17. Windows 8 Best Buy sales folks a little confused?

    I was at a Best Buy today checking out touchscreens and Windows 8 since my daughter was looking at them. At another store the touchscreen did not seem to have the same functionality as a mouse, but I may have not been doing it correctly. A sales person came up and we starting discussing the...
  18. VIDEO Buddy boy, our 9 week old Blue Heeler puppy

  19. VIDEO 2 Year Old Yoga Teacher

  20. VIDEO Steven Seagal teaches Anderson Silva some moves
