
  1. mvidaure

    Windows 7 Windows failed to start" error (0xc0000225); 2 days and no solution

    I am experiencing a "Windows failed to start" error (0xc0000225) and cannot even start windows or run safe mode (f9). Plus I didn't have the installation discs. I have tried EasyRE via both CD and USB but both result in the same problem. When I actually try to perform an 'Automated Repair' on...
  2. J

    Windows 7 Another BSOD while/after BF 3

    Hey everyone. First of all i have to say that i am from germany. So pleasse excuse my bad english. I searched a lot about "my problem" and i didnt find anything what could help me. Till i found this forum. So i want to start a thread here and hope u can help me :-) My reference thread is this...
  3. whoosh

    VIDEO Again! Linsay Lohan in trouble for blowing off community service

  4. Ciara

    Happy Birthday Trouble

    Happy Birthday Trouble, hope you have a great day ... XXX
  5. reghakr

    Friend calls Hollywood man in bomb scare a 'goofy kid'. 28 years old? Really?

    Lee Lewis liked to bew the center of attention, but no one could image the trouble he caused after his prized hearse broke down underneath a major Miami freeway during Friday's rush hour. Read Full Story: Link Removed
  6. whoosh

    VIDEO MORE NUKE TROUBLE FOR JAPAN- Onagawa looses most power cooling fuel rods

  7. whoosh

    VIDEO MORE NUKE TROUBLE FOR JAPAN- Onagawa looses most power cooling fuel rods

  8. whoosh

    VIDEO The World is in Trouble

  9. J

    Windows 7 VPN so so slow in Win 7

    I installed VPN connection to work 5 weeks ago on my new Toshiba dual core i5 laptop and was working fine. Last Tuesday, my Win 7 system crashed and showed blue screen, when I made changes to my CA anti-virus software - to increase security setting. It kept on crashing when i try to connect to...
  10. H

    Windows 7 "Starting Windows" BSoD - No Dumps

    I've been getting a BSoD right after the initial 'Starting Windows' screen. No matter how I boot it won't let me past this screen. So far I've tried Debugging Mode, Safe Mode and Last Known Good Config. All do the same thing. I think the error was because of a Windows Update I performed last...
  11. cybercore

    VIDEO Not sure if everything is alright there ...

    Where is Whoosh, always so punctual and replying on time? How's he doing, is he unwell, maybe in some kind of trouble, perhaps malware infected? Where is this great guy anyway? I'm worried. Link Removed - Invalid URL Link Removed due to 404 Error YouTube - Gms vs Dj Dede - Whoosh
  12. G

    Windows 7 installation trouble

    in the setup is starting services screen a message pops up .. logon process initialization failure interactive logon process initialization has failed please consult the event log for more details OK press ok and the sceer goes black but i ave a mouse cursor. eventually it reboots and...
  13. D

    Windows 7 HELP! monitor trouble!! both my monitors wont work!

    W7 Rev 7100 Monitor/Reconistion Issues. see new post