
  1. deathwinger

    Windows 10 Right clicking on the taskbar not showing recently used documents

    Hey All, Glad these forums exist. I'm sure Windows 10 is going great for everyone and positive there are solutions to any problems I'm having. Right now I'm having an issue with right clicking in the Taskbar. Normally in Windows 7 and 8.1, I could right click on an icon and get a list of...
  2. S

    Windows 7 Start Menu

    Hi everyone, I need your help. I'm a windows 7 user. I opened a link yesterday to an online clothing store called hottopic.com - Unfortunately the URL instantly attached or pinned itself to my start menu and doesn't let itself get deleted or unpinned. I tried practically everything. A...
  3. T

    Windows 7 Start menu problem

    I accidentally dragged my recycle bin and a libraries folder to my start menu and there is no option to delete or un pin it. How do I get them off my start menu?
  4. I

    Windows 7 Any way to unpin computer from start menu?

    i'm trying to get rid of "computer" in start bar -- it just annoys me. anyone know how? here's what i mean Link Removed due to 404 Error
  5. jcdeagan

    Windows Vista Can't unpin an Internet Shortcut (only)

    Hi there.. I'm reviewing the 7000 build of Win7, and encountered an odd little "feature" today... I dragged a url from the address bar in Google Chrome to the Start Menu to pin it there for frequent use. It shows up as an Internet shortcut with the default browser (Firefox, atm) and it is...