
  1. I

    Windows 7 Laptop fan constantly on/ running hot.

    So long story short, my hard drive died on me so I installed a 1T SSD and got it up and running again. Couple days later it overheated twice. I wasn't doing anything that would require much processing. I only had a few tabs open in Fire Fox. The computer locked up and made a terrible noise from...
  2. T

    Windows 7 HDD damage due to coldness?

    Recently I installed an additional case fan which ventilates directly onto my two hard drives. The temperature decreased from 41°C to 32°C what sounds to be a good thing at first. The downside is that I encounter plenty of errors on one of these HDDs since the mentioned fan installation. More...
  3. Windows 8 Keeping Your Cool

    Electronics and certainly PCs do not like heat. It is important that these devices stay cool @ all times and throughout their lifetime. That said, here is one of those "Best Practice" things that I suggest all too often does not even occur to people and that they do not think about or do on...
  4. VIDEO the ultimate CPU home cooling

    Here is the ultimate in home cooling of a CPU.
  5. H

    Windows 7 100% CPU usage for no reason and requesting help please.

    Hello all. I have recently aquired a problem with my computer. For some unknown reason my CPU usage is and remains at 100%. It just became a problem about a week ago and I've tried scanning for a virus. That was inconclusive :/ I thought it was a ventilation problem and when I raised my...
  6. P

    Windows XP Problem with GTA: Vice City

    I have the game Grand Theft Auto: Vice City on my Windows XP Service Pack 3 system but it doesn't run very smoothly. It jams from time to time. Sometimes it even crashes. I can't understand why this is happening, because I also play GTA: San Andreas on my PC and this one works fine. Vice City...
  7. Dangerous radiation level at Fukushima No.1 reactor detected

    The recent 9.0-magnitude quake and tsunami in Japan triggered a number of explosions at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, which caused the worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl in 1986. The radiation levels in the building exceed expected levels reaching as high as 700 millisieverts per...
  8. VIDEO Antec Releases One-of-a-Kind Open-Air Chassis

    Link Removed due to 404 Error in high-performance computer components and accessories for the gaming, PC upgrade and Do-It-Yourself markets, today announced the LanBoy Air: Antec's state-of-the art, fully-modular chassis designed to provide extensive customizability and flexibility to...
  9. W

    Windows 7 RAM and CPU running really hot

    Compared to other problems right now, mine appears less important, so you guys are welcome solving others' problems before coming to this one :) This has been happening for a while now, but today I found the time to actually post it. computer's been running very hot lately; one time, I...
  10. Z

    Windows 7 Overheating issues

    My CPU has been acting up lately, on a Dell Inspiron 6400, more than usual. It gets really hot and my computer then proceeds to slow down with the fan going full tilt. I notice it usually happens when I'm watching videos online streaming, so much so that I can't get through an episode of...
  11. Discovery

    The first item I would like to talk about is this recent software find called: "Fotosketcher" Completely free with no adware- MVP approved. Make digital photos look like cartoons! I'm sure somebody out there wants to look like a cartoon? Also another remarkable...