video clips

  1. A

    Video editing software required

    Hi, I have a lengthy video clip I want to cut into smaller clips, I have kdenlive installed however I am not sure if it wants to re-render the clips into new files, I just want to copy and paste certain parts of the video into smaller videos, can anyone recommend anything? Thanks in advance.
  2. VIDEO Funniest Unlikely Animal Friendships Compilation | Funny Pet Videos

  3. C

    Windows 7 External Hard Drive Showing Up as a RAW disk

    Hi, can someone help? - my os is windows 7 and I have an external 3.5 Hard Drive that was working fine in a IDE/SATA docking station, I think it was fat 32 - I pugged it in and it showed up as a RAW disk ( I haven't formatted it! ). I have tried getting the data from it using File Scavenger...
  4. G

    Windows 7 thumbnails

    for whatever reason, perhaps something i've done inadvertantly, my download video clips are all showing the windows media player icon where previously there was a pictorial thumbnail of the contents. I have tried various methods to try and restore the thumbnails without success...can anyone help?
  5. J

    Windows 7 windows dvd maker problem

    I add home video clips to dvd maker (windows 7) and burn a dvd. Problem: there is a slight freeze at the end of each clip causing breaks in overall continuity. Any help? Thanks.
  6. B

    Windows 7 Encypted files???

    Hi there i have somehow encrypted some files in a folder and cant open them, they are (where.avi) and now thet have turned into some weird format like (going out..wmvfgeffgef) what have i done and is there anyway to convert them back, i know that i checked some boxes in properties and clicked...
  7. VIDEO 10 of the Best Modern Warfare 2 Kills to Date

    So it used to be a I wrote a lot of Halo 3 posts on here, but as my interests have changed, so do the posts I write for the site. So we’re leaving alien carbines and plasma ‘nades behind, and we’re now in the gritty reality of Modern Warfare 2. I do maintain that MW2 doesn’t have quite the...
  8. Windows 7 YouTube launches its own URL shortener

    YouTube launches its own URL shortener - Telegraph YouTube is following Google and Facebook in creating a URL shortener The shortener, which is a tool that transforms long internet adresses into much shorter strings of random characters, can only be used to shorten YouTube links and is focussed...
  9. N

    Windows 7 Movie Maker ... ?

    i understand that the "windows movie maker" is not included (why? why?!) in windows 7. how can i download it or get a microsoft (free!) program to edit my clips ?