Hey fellow gamers,
I've been contemplating upgrading my gaming setup recently, and one of the big decisions I'm facing is whether to invest in a 1440p gaming monitor or stick with the tried-and-true 1080p resolution. I've done some research, but I'd love to hear from the community about their...
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Xbox One X begins rolling out to all Xbox One markets starting Nov. 7.
As the newest member of the Xbox One family of devices, Xbox One X will offer gamers premier console performance for $499 USD / 449 GBP / 499 EUR / 599 CAD/ 649 AUD and begins rolling out to all Xbox One...
4k gaming
backward compatibility
game pass
november 2017
scorpio engine
xbox live
xbox one family
xbox one x
Font display technology has made major advances on every platform, but even though the process is highly automated these days, a little tweaking can help. Microsoft’s IEBlog runs through the basics for Windows 7 users. (more…)
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I have Windows 7 Professional installed on both my laptop and desktop. The graphics on my desktop look a lot different and nicer than the graphics on my laptop. I don't understand why. They're both the same 32-bit operating system.
My version of Win 7 (premium) has a recommended screen resolution of 1280x1024
I find this rather small
What can I do to become bigger characters without losing screen visual quality
Prior to installing Windows 7, my computer resolution maxed out at 1024 x 800. After installing Windows 7, my computer resolution maxes out at 1024 x 768. As a result, the screen appears very blury and somewhat squished. How can I fix this?
I have used many bdifferent builds of Win7 and nvidia drivers even 190.xx beta, Now I'm using Build 7260. I have Geforce 9800GT VGA and 32" Toshiba LCD Tv.
First of all to use 1:1 pixelmapping to get best quality from my LCD TV you should be set up custom resolution 1360X768. Yes...
Avid chess fan and haven't had time to play the chess in windows 7. Is it any good. How do you like the graphics? They looked difficult to see on my screen?