
  1. S

    Windows 10 BSOD but not bugcheck pow32kwatchdog.sys or not BSOD?

    Hello. My question is. I get crash in game when i click exit to desktop. Black screen for 1 minute,nothing responding. Then desktop appeared ,screen appeared and after 1 minute pc just reset itself. I open eventog and there was only about KERNEL-POWER 41,but not bugcheck. So it was bsod or not...
  2. VIDEO Watch "Watchdog: Rudy Giuliani Gave Us 'Strong Evidence' Of Violation | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC" on YouTube

    [emoji631] [emoji79] Sent from my D6603 using Windows Forums mobile app
  3. Windows 10 Watchdog crash and no screen/PC unusable but on

    Hi, the last week I'm been suffering freezes and reboots. I had one or two BSOD but that doesn't seem to be the main problem, and I have no dumps of them. I have recently changed from a HDD to a SSD, I have applied a theme on my Windows 10, and I have updated to Fall Creators update. I cloned...
  4. VIDEO DOJ watchdog: Missing FBI texts recovered

  5. K

    Windows 10 Bsod's coming non stop since a month

    Hi are my specs Gigabyte h110m ds2 I5 6600 MSI GTX 1060 WD Blue 1TB 8GB DDR4 HyperX fury 2133Mhz So here is the thing..i am facing bsods since past month after a clean install...there were many- memorymanagement,watchdogviolation,faultyhardware,nonpaged area and many more.... So...
  6. E

    Windows 10 AVG boot stuck

    I have a Lenovo laptop. Yesterday when I shut it down, it said "download updates and shut down" which I did. When I went to restart the machine the next day, I got: PHASE 0 STARTING WATCHDOG INITIALIZATION... ...LOADING CNFIG...(ROOTS,KRNL,SETUP) ...PREINITIALIZATION EVENTS CREATING WATCHDOG...
  7. M

    Windows 7 Strange BSOD - no Minidump - Watchdog Live Kernel

    Has been happening for a while now. Just updated nvidia driver, other drivers seem to be up to date as well. It's happened thrice in a row now, though the whole ordeal of 1 BSOD per day has been going on for a while longer. Today was the first time I noticed that something was stored - in the...
  8. T

    Windows 7 Blue Screen after cleaning computer

    HI ! Yesterday I opened my computer and cleaned the inside because it was full of dust. After I started it I have gotten a Blue Screen Error quite alot (every 15-30 mins) This is not the first time I've cleaned the inside of this computer and have cleaned a few others too but nothing like that...
  9. Fukushima escalates to worse-case possibility

    For the first time Japan has suggested the situation at the Fukushima nuclear plant has gone beyond a meltdown. Japan says that nuclear fuel in three reactors has possibly melted through the pressure vessels and accumulated in the outer containment vessels. Japanese media report this...
  10. Japan earthquake: Japan warned over nuclear plants, WikiLeaks cables show

    Japan was warned more than two years ago by the international nuclear watchdog that its nuclear power plants were not capable of withstanding powerful earthquakes, leaked diplomatic cables reveal. Japan earthquake: Japan warned over nuclear plants, WikiLeaks cables show - Telegraph
  11. VIDEO Watchdog - Playstation 3 by Mitch Benn - BBC One

  12. VIDEO Watchdog: How Much Will It Cost Me Ryan Air? - BBC One

  13. VIDEO Watchdog - Playstation 3 by Mitch Benn - BBC One

  14. VIDEO Watchdog - Virgin Media by Mitch Benn - BBC One
