
  1. Y

    Websites opening on WIFI but not on LAN

    Hi Since yesterday, some of the websites have been opened on WIFI, but not on LAN. Our users are using Win 7, Win 10 & Win 11. They are trying to open some websites with LAN connection but websites are not opening. When they try to open with WIFI, the websites are working. In the past, both...
  2. S

    How to Choose the Right Tower Server for Hosting Small Websites?

    Hey everyone, I'm in the process of setting up a small-scale hosting environment for a few websites, and I could really use some guidance on selecting the right tower server for this purpose. I've been doing some research, but the sheer number of options out there is a bit overwhelming, and I...
  3. K

    Windows Weekly’s new suggestion.

    Hi, I watched the latest Windows Weekly. It had many hilarious moments. It is hard not to fall in love with Paul and Richard. IMHO, they are funny AF. Anyways, this ep made known NextDNS. I went and got it, and wow, it’s good. I have to turn it off to post here. That is not a problem. As I...
  4. S

    Chrome Cookied

    How to make Chrome browser never save cookies only for I want to allow 3rd party cookies on all websites, but never for I know how to clear cookies for, but I am asking for never saving them in the first place, thank you.
  5. Windows 10 status_stack_buffer_overrun error

    Hello WindowsForum I could use some help regarding this error. The error started a few weeks back when I was sitting under a drivers license test website, the error appears randomly and I can't seem to find a way to get this fixed. I have contacted the website I have been using to do my tests...
  6. H

    Windows 11 Windows 11 Edge Top Bar Fills with Previous Sites

    The very top bar that appears when Edge is open "collects" all sites I have been to during the session. Is there any way to turn this behavior OFF? I would like a way to return to the first site I visit. There are many sites that do not provide a way back to the previous site without re-starting...
  7. Why Some Website ask for cookies.

    Hello.., I have seen many websites ask for accepting cookies. What is the purpose of the acceptance of the cookies what will be the impact if don't accept the cookies? Thanks in advance.
  8. M

    Windows 10 DNS server is slow

    When I try to go to some web pages I get the following: This site can’t be reached Check if there is a typo in (the URL I am trying for). If spelling is correct, Link Removed. There is no typo, and Windows Network Diagnostics says there is no problem. I can hit Reload and usually the site will...
  9. A

    eBay and cookies permission request on every visit

    Hi, I get this request about accepting cookies on eBay on every visit, I have turned off advanced tracking protection for the site in FireFox so why is it asking every time? Thanks in advance.
  10. A

    Live chat pop ups

    I am looking for a new car, I have acquired 50+ websites to look at for a new car, the thing that annoys me the most are these little "live chat" pop ups that come along with them, is there any way for me to stop them? Thanks in advance.
  11. J

    Windows 10 Resetting Network in Windows 10 with a batch file

    For some reason best known to itself, my PC will not allow me to access certain websites, big ones like Outlook, BBC, BT etc unless I go to network settings, reset the network and then restart the computer, after which all is fine until I next shut down the computer. I already use a batch file...
  12. Windows 8 Some sites not loading properly but 99% do?

    Hi. I am having problems viewing video at a couple of sites I've tried - specifically ABC and TikTok but no problem at any other site I've tried like Youtube or Netflix. Also sometimes having problems loading captchas and comments on occassion. Some type of connection issue? Any assistance...
  13. Windows 10 an app opens chrome on certain websites

    hi, recently i have been downloading mods and extensions for lots of different apps. i think i might have downloaded a virus as lots of strange things have happened. first it disabled task manager then it blocked me from downloading Every antivirus now it is opening chrome on lots of different...
  14. M

    Windows 10 No pictures on some sites

    I'm using Chrome on Win10 (latest updates). When I visit some websites through Thunderbird (which then accesses Chrome as the default), I get sites with no pictures - not all. I tested the problem by accessing the same websites with Opera directly, and do get pictures. Pretty sure the problem...
  15. P

    Windows 7 How to add RC4 encryption successor to Internet Explorer 11?

    How to add RC4 encryption successor to Internet Explorer 11? - Windows 7 Help Forums Due to some reasons I (have to) use occasionally Internet Explorer 11. It still works for most of the websites except some advanced which disabled RC4 encryption. For webpages from these server I got an...
  16. A

    Windows 10 After Windows 10 Upgrade websites in Google Chrome not working

    Hello, Please if anyone know the solution of this "After Windows 10 Upgrade websites in Google Chrome are not opening" where else in other browsers websites are working fine. what exactly happening is : when Websites not opening in chrome we try same websites in another browser and it works...
  17. VPN tracking

    Hello I have hosted a VPN server using the add role and feature in windows server 2012 r2 is there any way to log all the websites that have been accessed while on the VPN. atm i can log visited websites ips but not the URL's.
  18. Windows 10 Safari limitations

    I am playing with an Ipad at the moment. One thing led to another, and I decided to try out the Windows version of Safari. All seemed in order. Nothing in particular to reccmend or discredit it. But, when I trid to open this site, I received this message. Only this site.?? Just came back to...
  19. J

    Windows 10 Edge Browser Not Secure

    When I open MS Edge browser, a text appears (seconds later) on the address bar to the left of https. My home page is, which appears to be the only site so affected. Any advice? Jim B
  20. B

    Windows 10 Kaspesky and windows 10

    I need some help! Has anyone had this same problem. I just updated my computer to Kaspersky 2018 and now I can't get into some sights that I use to get into. I have windows 10. I've uninstalled Kaspersky and reinstalled it and have the same problem. This is what it tells me when I try...