
  1. D

    Windows 7 netgear wg311v3 and levelone WNC-0301

    Hi I have recently installed Windows 7 rc, I had netgear wg311v3 as my wireless adapter but after I installed Windows 7, it didn't work (I coulnd't even see any wireless conections), I tried to do as sugested in this post Link Removed but after I had installed the program, nothing changed...
  2. D

    Windows 7 Netgear WG311v3

    Hello, I hope you all understand me. I am from German and my english is not very well =P My Problem is my WLAN card. It´s a Netgear wg311v3. I´ve installed all drivers which i´ve found on the page of Netgear. But all dosen´t work. Has anyone a idee??? Windows 7 isn´t...