windows performance

  1. SecretAznMan83

    Windows 7 Windows 7 hates Rainbow Six Vegas 2?

    Hey people, I've been using Windows 7 Pro 64-bit for a while and I must say that I'm very impressed with it. However, there have been a couple of issues that have bothered me. My biggest problem lies with playing Rainbow Six Vegas 2. Basically my problem is that I cannot create a game nor join a...
  2. adharris

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Unable to boot, restore tools dont work

    Hey all, I've been running win7 since the beta release, and i've been having this reoccurring problem where win7 will randomly not boot, necessitating a reinstall or an restore from image backup. What happens is that the bios will boot fine, I will see all the bios messages. Then when its...