In the latest episode of Windows Weekly, hosts Leo Laporte, Richard Campbell, and Paul Thurrott dive into a mix of pressing tech topics, including the controversial cancellation of the Snapdragon Dev Kit, updates on Windows 11, Microsoft 365 advancements, artificial intelligence (AI), and the...
In the latest episode of Windows Weekly, episode 902 titled "Nothing to Declare," the trio of tech aficionados—Leo Laporte, Richard Campbell, and Paul Thurrott—dive into an intriguing mix of topics that every Windows user should be aware of. Notably, their discussion revolves around the eagerly...
Gather ‘round, tech enthusiasts, for yet another enlightening episode of Windows Weekly hosted by the dynamic trio of Leo Laporte, Richard Campbell, and Paul Thurrott. Dubbed the episode for seekers of inside scoops, especially those perched on the edge of innovation in the world of Windows...
In this week's episode of Windows Weekly, titled "A Very Buxom Seal," tech gurus Leo Laporte, Richard Campbell, and Paul Thurrott dive deeply into various topics that affect Windows users today. This session covers significant updates, trends within Microsoft, new hardware releases, and software...
gaming updates
hardware innovations
microsoft updates
paul thurrott
security summit
software development
tech news
windows 11
windows insider
In the latest episode of Windows Weekly, Leo Laporte, Richard Campbell, and Paul Thurrott dive deep into various updates and discussions concerning Windows technology, including Windows 11, AI advancements, the latest Google Pixel event, and critical antitrust developments affecting major tech...
In the latest edition of Windows Weekly, episode 893, hosts Leo Laporte, Richard Campbell, and Paul Thurrott delve into the latest happenings in the Windows ecosystem. The discussion covers a range of pressing topics including updates for Windows 11, corporate earnings trends, the Surface for...
Hi, I watched the latest Windows Weekly. It had many hilarious moments. It is hard not to fall in love with Paul and Richard. IMHO, they are funny AF.
Anyways, this ep made known NextDNS. I went and got it, and wow, it’s good. I have to turn it off to post here. That is not a problem. As I...
The one where we beat Miracast to death
In the latest episode of Windows Weekly, Leo Laporte, Mary Jo Foley and I discuss our trip next week to San Francisco, which Windows devices are the most popular, some new Windows Phones from BLU, iPhone 6 vs. Windows Phone, Microsoft's multiple wireless...
iphone 6
life cycle
office 16
san francisco
windows 7
windows phone
xbox one
Paul Thurrott's Supersite for Windows
In the latest episode of the Windows Weekly podcast, Leo and I discuss this week's Windows 8 Start screen revelations in depth and the silly noobisphere responses, the BUILD conference in September, Windows Phone news, Office 365 launching this month...
Paul Thurrott of the Supersite for Windows just posted this:
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From what he said in Windows Weekly 80, it's also quite possible. The Windows 7 code is stable, because nothing is added to Windows 7 until it's complete.