windows xp

  1. Windows 7 MSN Gaming Zone From Windows XP On Windows 7.

    I found this interesting post over on this forum on how to run MSN Gaming Zone. That's the Internet games,Internet Reversi, Internet Hearts and other games that comes with Windows XP on Windows 7. Source:Last post on the thread...
  2. Windows 10 Why I Won't Upgrade To Windows 10 Just Yet.

    It seems that Microsoft bring out a new operating system every 3 years or so. It is getting impossible to keep up with it. The recent new version of Windows is Windows 10 which I have tried one of the builds a few months ago. While I found that all of the software that I used on Windows 8 works...
  3. Windows XP XP Pro Registry Guru Needed!

    I have a good one for ya! Everything about my system is working fine except... video files. I accidentally deleted 4 or 5 files dealing with playing .avi videos.from the registry. So what I'm looking for is a way to find exactly what files are missing from what KEY, and to restore that KEY...
  4. G

    Windows XP Autorun.inf in service pack 3

    I'm trying to add an entry to the AutoPlay dialog that shows up when a USB device is connected to the computer. The problem is that this entry is not displayed in the AutoPlay dialog. Autorun.inf [autorun] action=Backup now icon=backupicon.ico label=Drive for backup open=backupnow.bat...
  5. G

    Windows 10 More clarification on the "free" Win 10 upgrade please

    I have a friend who bought a retail Win 7 Home Premium "upgrade", and used it to go to Win 7 from XP a couple of years back. He asked me if he qualified for the free Win 10 upgrade, and I said yes (but then I'd not seen anything that says one way or the other regarding Win 7 upgrades... So...
  6. T

    Windows 7 With the latest Win7 updates, my WinXP PC is no longer able to access shared files!

    I have a LAN comprised of two Win7 Ultimate 64bit (sp1) PC's and one or more XP PC's. They have been able to share files between them pretty well for many months, but with the latest Win7 updates, the XP PC is no longer able to access the Win7 shared files. They, however, have full access to...
  7. Windows 7 Does wiping my hard drive also wipe my operating systems?

    Good morning. Back in 2009 I purchased a dell laptop with XP. I upgraded it to 7home premium. Now being almost 9 years old there is almost no space at all left,even after using duplicate fingers and such. So I copied its entire contents to a external hard drive and am planning to wipe out...
  8. AS SSD Benchmark

    A new SSD benchmarking tool is available. AS SSD Benchmark is a small, free application avalable to download here: Link Removed Ref:
  9. B

    Windows XP Xp system I just restored to day one - updates?

    Hey all I have an older gateway here that was just full of viruses and whatnot after some cleanup it was still just buggy so I restored it to day one but I realize windows xp support has ended, is there anyway to bring it up to date manually easily?
  10. A

    Outlook cannot open .pst file which was in use by an unknown program

    We have a small "workgroup" network - 3 users, 3 computers running XP and MS Office 2003, 1 Buffalo TeraStation NAS, no servers On each PC, there is a U: drive mapped to the user's personal folder on NAS One of the users intermittently got an error when opening his Outlook "Unable to open your...
  11. S

    Windows XP Windows XP Registry PC Username + Hostname

    Could anyone please help me find the registry key locations for the PC username, and the PC hostname on Windows XP? Is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon DefaultDomainName Correct? Also what is the syntax for these keys? Thanks so much in advance.
  12. Windows XP Windows XP update, April 2015

    Hi there! I got a Windows XP update two weeks ago, left my computer finishing updating process and left to work. When I got back home, the computer had completed the updating process (?) and had automatically shut itself down. Next morning I opened my computer and it doesn't recognize the...
  13. G

    A request for a smaller size of the Windows OS for PC

    Greetings Microsoft, Since Windows largely dominates the OS most gamers, even regular Windows users own, I highly recommend the size of the OS you will be creating to be much smaller, I started gaming on Windows 98SE and it took up about 2GB of storage space, my performance with my games was...
  14. W

    Windows XP Windows XP Hard drive issues

    I purchased a Windows XP desktop because my old XP desktop motherboard died. I wanted to be able to put my old hard drive (SATA100 7200RPM 160GB) in it and keep on using it. The new desktop has a smaller (looks like 80GB) hard drive that I would like to make a slave out of. I think it is an...
  15. Windows XP Windows Xp Activation Loop

    Hi guys I hav an activation loop issue on my win xp for quite a time now and was using the method below that is going into safe mode and run cmd and using this regsvr32 regwizc.dll regsvr32 licdll.dll rundll32.exe syssetup,SetupOobeBnk And that worked great for 3 or 4 times, now my...
  16. Microsoft Small Basic 1.1

    Microsoft Small Basic 1.1 is upgraded to .NET Framework 4.5 to enable new objects and features. It also fixes the Flickr object bug. It doesn't work on Windows XP or earlier operating systems. Small Basic is the only text-based programming language designed to teach kids and adults how to...
  17. N

    Windows 7 System File Checker can't repair corrupted files

    I have run sfc /scannow a number of times (as an administrator) and I always get a message that says System File Checker has found corrupted files but cannot repair some of them. I have opened the Log and have found many files which SFC says are corrupted. In Windows XP, there was an easy way...
  18. Malwarebytes Update

    The anti-malware app Malwarebytes has recently been updated to 2.1.4: ref: Link Removed Download:
  19. Windows XP Please help me setup win xp on mainboard Gigabyte H81-ds2

    Please help me, I can not install Winxp on the mainboard gigabyte H81-DS2 and CPU intel G3420. __________________
  20. Windows 7 How to decrypt jpg file at win 7 encrypted by win xp sp2

    Accidentally the user had checked the encrypted file option in properties of file/folder located in the C and D drive. After that, the system (C drive ) was formatted and the users' encryption certificate and password file was deleted while formatting. Now I am using windows 7, but unable to...