
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO PANIC: Trump Team Wiping Electronic Devices in Advance of Russia Investigation

  2. oldwolves

    Windows 7 Does wiping my hard drive also wipe my operating systems?

    Good morning. Back in 2009 I purchased a dell laptop with XP. I upgraded it to 7home premium. Now being almost 9 years old there is almost no space at all left,even after using duplicate fingers and such. So I copied its entire contents to a external hard drive and am planning to wipe out...
  3. sammytruck

    Windows 8 Going back to Windows 7....

    I have had Windows 8.1 on my tower for about a 2 months now. Am just getting tired of how controlling it is. I made comments in the past as to how good it was. I was being optimistic. Just missing all the good stuff in Windows 7. I don't care if I have to do ALL those updates. I want...
  4. A

    Hard Disk Manager 12 Suite SP1*

    Hard Disk Manager 12 Suite includes 20+ PREMIUM tools for a full range of disk management, data safety and disaster recovery, copying and migration, easy virtualization, and secure data wiping operations. With the updated version, it’s even easier to increase your PC performance and keep your...
  5. Drew

    Windows 8 100% Unsupported

    You know a lot has been said regarding not wiping out production machines w/ a beta OS. There is a reason or another reason that I haven't seen mentioned that is maybe THE most important. Betas are unsupported! An End User running a beta OS, if, they were to ring MS Tech Support...