
  1. D

    What are the chances of an attacker recovering my data on a “quick formatted” hard drive?

    Long story short, a while ago, I bought and returned a hard drive that still had sensitive information on it including social security number, passwords to online accounts, etc. At the time, I thought that I removed all the information on the hard drive because I quick formatted it a few times...
  2. SATIRE Nothing to worry about

    :usa: :eek:
  3. VIDEO A 'Degree Of Worry' Around Trump Amid Ukraine Call | Morning Joe | MSNBC

    🇺🇸 :rolleyes:
  4. Windows 10 A few questions about the new build?

    Hi I'm sitting here making the second backup of everything on the drive I'm going to install the new build on. I'm a worrier, what if my backup drive failed right after I wipe my hard drive? LOL Unfortunately I installed all of my Windows 10 software on this drive so I have to format it and...
  5. Windows 7 Minidump Folder FOUND!

    Today I found the Minidump folder. It says it was created MArch 2nd, 2013 at 1:16 AM (Eastern Time). When I click the folder, nothing is in it. Should I be worried?
  6. Microsoft Windows 8 Demos Spur Developer Worry

    While Microsoft embraces HTML5 and JavaScript for Windows 8, outside developers wonder about Silverlight and .Net Link Removed
  7. A

    A particularly bad thing

    I have a Apple phone, just bought a very low price is also very good when used, may be because I am in town, this place did not sell Apple's top-up cards to getting the one thing I worry