zipped files

  1. R

    Windows XP Encrypted jpegs.

    I'm new here and want to say thanks in advance for any help. I downloaded a zipped or rar file from some rapidshare site or something. When I unzipped it I ended up with every jpeg on my computer encrypted by some virus or whatever that was in the file I unzipped. Now I can't view any pictures...
  2. trog69

    Windows 7 I think I've really screwed up my brand-new gaming rig.

    I was in the process of re-downloading Fallout3 from D2D. They are in the process of converting to GameFly and there is confusion with their downloaders. I installed both of their dlers, Comrade and the standard Downloader, but the game download stilll went directly to my Chrome browser...
  3. C

    Windows 7 Need help with font installation

    I have Windows 7, 32-bit. I'm not even sure how to ask this, because I'm not sure what I did or clicked, but I desperately need help. I had a bunch of zipped font folders on my computer the other day and was installing them without issue, but I clicked something, and they all instantly turned...
  4. D

    Windows 7 Do we lose picture resolution when backing up the computer?

    I was asked recently if I was losing any resolution with my pictures when they were backed up by W7 (or any other version of windows). Since W7 uses zipped files for the backup, there is got to be a loss of resolution somewhere that cannot be brought back when de-zipping (restoring) the files...