100% better.


Windows Forum Admin
Staff member
Premium Supporter
Aug 28, 2007
The forum looks 100% better! Thanks Mike!

Yep...looking very good...way better than before. Yes...thanks Mike!!!

This is just the beginning of an experimental change coming up... can't say when, but you should be able to do something obvious between both sites within the near future if you have an account on both... This may take quite awhile. Thank you for having patience.

Will this up and coming new change...will it involve any vibrant colors to replace the drab and dreary pastels.

I like dreary pastels in forums! lol.

Looking good, Mike.

As an artist, Ross will know why we use pastels. Psychologically they can be comforting and welcoming. The theme will change, but do not expect bright hype colors. We are looking to make the site comfortable, accessible, and interchangeable for long term use. We will compensate. Once initial big changes are in place in behind the scenes, under the hood code, creative input on designs will be accepted. We are not at that stage due to essential code modifications that will improve the experience overall. I lack detail to protect the plans, but not clarity. Right now, the site should be just as useful and acceptable as Windows7Forums.com.

Nice pastels are one thing but I kinda like Windows 8 simple block colour design (makes me laugh every time this editor tries to tell me I'm spelling colour incorrectly).
I reckon if you simply changed the main Windows logo into a logo more like Mikes or Bassfishers Avatar then that would make the site look much different and look more like an actual windows 8 site. In my opinion of course.. :) The one we run with now looks dated and is of the Windows 7/vista era.

Nice job Mike, I like the fact that there's very few sub-forums.


(makes me laugh every time this editor tries to tell me I'm spelling colour incorrectly)

You too eh? Damn English-US dictionary :(.

I agree, there could be a hint more metro on the site. Personally I think the forum headers/titles, etc. would look great if their font was to be changed to the Windows 8 default which is Segoe UI. Can't wait for universal login, MobileNations has it and it works great across all their forums. Good luck with it Mike.

LOL. A while ago, on another well respected site, a member queried my spelling of personalise. The thread became full of sarcasm (not directed at me!) and ran two pages!!!!!!

It especially bothers me that IE and many other Microsoft products do not have a Canadian or sometimes United Kingdom dictionary... Google Chrome does, Microsoft...

Hmm, what did I miss. I did not notice any difference, LOL. But it does look nice.

Hmm, what did I miss. I did not notice any difference, LOL. But it does look nice.

The once many sub forums and resulting GUI have been compacted into a tighter cleaner format. It does bode well that you didn't notice anything amiss and once again a big thanks to Mike Fara, the sites owner, for doing the actual work.
