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64 bit operating system: 64 bit games lag but 32 bit don't.


New Member
Dec 7, 2017
Hi, i have had this problem for a while now but have fixed it by just running my games in 32 bit, but with new games coming out and 32 bit getting old a lot of new games don't support 32 bit
My problem is whenever i run a 64 bit game, no matter what it is every minute or so i get a 15 second long lag spike where i just can't do anything so like i said i just run my games in 32 bit but there are games i can't do that with which means i can't play them, please help
I have factory restored my computer many times but still nothing this computer came with windows 8 though and i upgraded to windows 10 but it still lagged when i downgraded again so that didn't work
Please help
Some items to check
  • Make sure your drivers are up-to-date especially the graphics driver
  • Try running a problematic game with your anti virus/malware disabled
  • Try running tests from dxdiag.exe
  • Test your hard drive with a DFT tool such as seagate tools
  • Test your RAM with memtest86+
can you post some details on the machine/set up your using.
can you post some details on the machine/set up your using.
Hmm... That looks like a laptop? Can you post which one it is exactly including full name and model.. Thanks.
Thank you.
As Neemobeer suggests above try updating your drivers.

I checked your support page over at Lenovo and most of the drivers are dated January of this year:
Link Removed
Thank you.
As Neemobeer suggests above try updating your drivers.

I checked your support page over at Lenovo and most of the drivers are dated January of this year:
Link Removed

What drivers would i need to update?
Try updating:
Chipset (2 drivers)

You'll be able to find the drivers under each heading given above.
Try updating:
Chipset (2 drivers)

You'll be able to find the drivers under each heading given above.
Hi, i did the ones you said and sorry it's taken a while to reply but it was fine up until yesterday now it does it no matter if it's 32 bit or 64 bit so if anything it's go worse
Hi, i did the ones you said and sorry it's taken a while to reply but it was fine up until yesterday now it does it no matter if it's 32 bit or 64 bit so if anything it's go worse
System restore?
Also if it was fine until yesterday what's changed?

Did you update something or install anything new?

If so try reversing whatever it is you added or changed.
I'd also be checking system temps.
If it helps i've looked at task manager whilest leaving a game running and when it has a lag spike the CPU usage goes from 90% down to like 5% like it's not trying to run it
Also if it was fine until yesterday what's changed?

Did you update something or install anything new?

If so try reversing whatever it is you added or changed.
I don't remember installing anything other than a few steam games like stick fight and also photoshop
If it helps i've looked at task manager whilest leaving a game running and when it has a lag spike the CPU usage goes from 90% down to like 5% like it's not trying to run it
Well the drop is probably from you alt-tabbing out of the game onto the desktop.

Tell me about your installation of Windows 10.

Is your current operating system installed from an upgrade like upgrading from windows 7 or upgrading from an earlier version of windows 10?

If this is the case then it may help if you performed a clean install as the upgrade process can make windows a little 'buggy'.
Well the drop is probably from you alt-tabbing out of the game onto the desktop.

Tell me about your installation of Windows 10.

Is your current operating system installed from an upgrade like upgrading from windows 7 or upgrading from an earlier version of windows 10?

If this is the case then it may help if you performed a clean install as the upgrade process can make windows a little 'buggy'.
I have 3 monitors and task manager open on one when the lag spike starts the CPU usage goes down so it's nothing to do with alt + tabbing.
I upgraded from windows 8 which is what my laptop but even after factory reseting back to windows 8 it still did it
So you have never performed a clean or custom install then?

Personally that's the first thing i would try.

Back up what you need to, visit your support page and get your drivers in advance. Store them on a thumb drive until needed.

When i mean clean install this means changing the boot order via the bios so that the media you have windows on, either disk or USB is read first starting the install.

You can use the media creation tool here: Link Removed to create either an iso or usb.