Windows 7 A friendly reminder...


New Member
Nov 16, 2008
Hey all,

So the time is here.. WINDOWS 7 RC TIME!!!! YAY!!! :) I just wanted to remind everyone though that even though we've reached the RC point you must keep in mind that Win 7 is still NOT in FINAL FORM.. Therefor there WILL still be some issues that no matter what we try, they just won't be able to be fixed until the RTM or Final Version.. ;)

That being said, I don't want to (and I'm not trying to) deter anyone from asking for help.. ;) Like I've said before, as far as I'm concerned in the computer world there are no stupid questions.. I just want everyone who is testing Win 7 to keep in mind that not every issue that arises can be fixed by the regular trail and error methods..

Also, the forum has begun to get alot more traffic in the last week or so then it has ever had.. I just wanted to commend each and every member of this forum on the fantastic job their doing answering people's questions and the extremely large amount of useful information that is being passed around.. It's truly a remarkable thing to watch and be a part of... :)


RC is good news and site traffic is even better.;)

I've visited most Windows 7 forums and they truly pale in comparison to this site.

RC is good news and site traffic is even better.;)

I've visited most Windows 7 forums and they truly pale in comparison to this site.

Got to agree only been a member a short time and it sure has grown :)
The help is excellent . Great feeling of real community spirit - good stuff :D

Like reghakr, I roam around. There is only one other competitive 7 site which is dedicate to 7, and active. It is spoiled by a high-handed approach to members wanting help, and has a notable tendency to wander off the thread subject, in more than 50% of the instances. The daily posts far excedd those here, but are, many times, not entirely related to Windows 7.
I'm staying here!!

Windows 7 will be here in time for the busy holiday season

Statement from MS, we're getting Windows 7 before December!

Windows 7 will be here in time for the busy holiday season

Statement from MS, we're getting Windows 7 before December!

Wow! TY :) Good news indeed :D

Hey all,

So the time is here.. WINDOWS 7 RC TIME!!!! YAY!!! :) I just wanted to remind everyone though that even though we've reached the RC point you must keep in mind that Win 7 is still NOT in FINAL FORM.. Therefor there WILL still be some issues that no matter what we try, they just won't be able to be fixed until the RTM or Final Version.. ;)

That being said, I don't want to (and I'm not trying to) deter anyone from asking for help.. ;) Like I've said before, as far as I'm concerned in the computer world there are no stupid questions.. I just want everyone who is testing Win 7 to keep in mind that not every issue that arises can be fixed by the regular trail and error methods..

Also, the forum has begun to get alot more traffic in the last week or so then it has ever had.. I just wanted to commend each and every member of this forum on the fantastic job their doing answering people's questions and the extremely large amount of useful information that is being passed around.. It's truly a remarkable thing to watch and be a part of... :)


Well put Radenight. I might add that every problem cannot be traced to Windows 7 even if it's RC now. The various hardware and other Non-MS application software we use in the computer must be fullly compataible with the controlling Softwre aka the Operating system. All hardware except some mouse , KBD or webCams are non Microsoft and those "3rd Party vendors" need to give us appropriate drivers that would work with Win 7 (currenly almost all VISTA drivers work OK in corresponding Bit Win7) many who had previously WinXP jump to the conclusion that Win7 is already a failure just because their Systemboard integrated , or add-on cards or peripheral devices like Printers, Scanners, WebCams, etc fail to work as they used to in WinXP or unrelated OSes like Linux or Macs.

Another issue that delays resolution of posted question, and it's a chronic problem in all Forums and not to this one alone , is the use of "my" or just the "Manufacturing Company's name alone" instead of exact Make and Model of a device in which the problem that led to the help question has occurred. Saying my computer or my nvidia Video card may be quite appropriate if its in a one-on-one troubleshoot onsite where the helper can see and touch the device or see the documentation and note all other details but in a Forum it needs to be spelled out earler the better. I agree with the excellent observation in Davehc's post about keeping the contents of the post focussed on the issue and minimize the tendency to 'wander". I hope people posting questions take a little of their time to read other posts including this topic :-)

I'm running 6.1.7100 and so far I like it. It is a LOT snapper than my Vista Ultimate...BUT I haven't installed anything else on it except everest and K-lite. No anti virus or anything to bog it down. I have noticed a few things that I don't care for...
WMP has renamed some of my videos and not sure why and I also don't like the fact that It doesn't have quick launch toolbar. :confused: I hope on the final release maybe they will make the toolbar more moddable.
Just my .02

Another issue that delays resolution of posted question, and it's a chronic problem in all Forums and not to this one alone , is the use of \"my\" or just the \"Manufacturing Company's name alone\" instead of exact Make and Model of a device in which the problem that led to the help question has occurred. Saying my computer or my nvidia Video card may be quite appropriate if its in a one-on-one troubleshoot onsite where the helper can see and touch the device or see the documentation and note all other details but in a Forum it needs to be spelled out earler the better. I agree with the excellent observation in Davehc's post about keeping the contents of the post focussed on the issue and minimize the tendency to 'wander\". I hope people posting questions take a little of their time to read other posts including this topic :-)

Yes, it sure is a good idea.:)

Here's what I put in my last post:
Just a note to all posters who are having problems.

We need to know more detailed specs of your system hardware.

Three choices
1. Go to Start > Run, and type msinfo32. Look under the Components section.
2. Download
3. Download

Please fill out your computers specs in the User Control Panel here on the site as well. It will then appear next to your name. look at my posting and you'll see the drop-down arrow.

I've even thought of changing my signature and put a collection of the advice, by adding text to a blank graphic image

Yes, it sure is a good idea.:)

Here's what I put in my last post:
Just a note to all posters who are having problems.

We need to know more detailed specs of your system hardware.

Three choices
1. Go to Start > Run, and type msinfo32. Look under the Components section.
2. Download
3. Download

Please fill out your computers specs in the User Control Panel here on the site as well. It will then appear next to your name. look at my posting and you'll see the drop-down arrow.

I've even thought of changing my signature and put a collection of the advice, by adding text to a blank graphic image

A very good idea Reghakr.. :) The specs do seem to be getting better but I agree they still aren't quite detailed enough.. if people filled out the specs when they register for the site it would sure cut down on the amount of "useless" posts.. (EI> Asking for the user to list their specs).. ;)

Don't ya just love when a thread is over 3 or pages long and someone comes into the post, has no computer specs given and his one line post is "I'm having the same problem" GEEEZ:rolleyes:

I think I should have added Look in Device manager also

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Don't ya just love when a thread is over 3 or pages long and someone comes into the post, has no computer specs given and his one line post is "I'm having the same problem" GEEEZ

I think I should have added Look in Device manager also

I hear ya.. Yes I agree, a Device Manager screen may also be a good idea..

The thing is though people have to keep in mind (and I admit, I'm guilty of sometimes not doing this too.. .;) ) that even though Windows 7 is in RC stages we've still got a long ways to go as far as drivers and software goes.. I mean yes, alot of drivers do currently work, but alot don't too.. same with software.. people have to remember that it's going to take some time before some programs are 100% compatible, same for drivers.. ;)

That fact does not mean that Windows 7 is junk as some have said.. ;) It's just the way things work when creating/releasing a new OS.. The fact that Windows 7 is as compatible and functional as it is right now is truly amazing in my opinion.. I mean if you stop and think, how many other versions of Windows have been this compatible in the RC stages? Even the glorious Windows XP wasn't anywhere near as functional at that point..

Yes, I admit there are some that haven't been having good luck with Win 7 at all, and I feel for ya, I really do, that is very frustrating.. But it certainly doesn't mean that the OS is flawed.. It simply needs time to mature and developers need to start pumping out the drivers.. Which I think we will start to see happen very shortly..

And now I've completely lost my train of thought so I'm just going to end this post with :)

Win7 blue screened on me about 5 or 6 x's this afternoon so I got :mad: and used Acronis to restore the drive like it was with just Vista Ultimate on it for now. :(
I'm going to install another hardrive so it can be by itself. I'll get aggravated and reformat in a heartbeat. Duel booting and sharing a drive w/two OS's is not going to work for me. :rolleyes:


Got to agree only been a member a short time and it sure has grown :)
The help is excellent . Great feeling of real community spirit - good stuff :D

This is a great board. I liked it so much I started blogging my notes here then I invited the members of my old newsletter. I had not been doing the newsletter in over 3 years but there were still over 350 valid email addresses and about 25 or 30 of my old members have written back and said they have visited here. These guys know a lot (because (shameless self promotion) I taught them) haha. Actually they taught me an incredible wealth of info during the 9 years I published it.

As long as the contents keep getting indexed in Google and Yahoo, when Win 7 hits the mainstream this place is going to be red hot.
