Ben Amada

New Member
Aug 16, 2009
I just did a clean install of Windows 7 RTM 64-bit a few hours ago. I installed an old (but good) piece of software, Agent Ransack.

It installed correctly, and runs okay too. But normally there is a context menu item for Agent Ransack when right-clicking on a folder. This allows you to search the folder you right-clicked on with Agent Ransack.

However, there is no context menu item for Agent Ransack. I tried uninstalling, and re-installing, but same results.

Is there something I need to do that would allow the Agent Ransack installation program to add a context menu item? Or is adding the context menu item manually my only choice? If so, any tips on doing this are appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


The two registry entries you posted here got it working!

The new DLL didn't help, unfortunately. I ended up unregistering/deleting the final DLL version, rebooted, and everything's still working with those 2 registry entries to the "shell" key.

Life will be much easier now :) Now I just need to figure out some other Windows 7 problems I'm having ...

Thanks very much...

Thank you so much for this solution, I was trying myself for several months
For those who are not familiar with command lines, regsvr32..etc please find attached a self exe doing it.
This self exe is to use assuming you installed Agent Ransack in the default directory & your system drive is C:\

I found this thread because I had the same issue, but the solution is a lot easier than registering dlls and all. It's the same as adding anything to the context menu for a folder.

Here's the registry file to do it. Save this as a .reg file, and execute, or just manually add the stuff in using regedit.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\Agent Ransack]

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\Agent Ransack\command]
@="\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Mythicsoft\\Agent Ransack\\AgentRansack.exe\" -d \"%1\""

Hi, just registered because I found this thread first while trying to solve the problem and now seem to have cracked it - all the above information is correct but the CLSID is missing from the registry when AgentRansack is installed. I made of a copy of the CLSID from a Win 7 32 bit PC and adjusted the "Program Files" line to reflect 64 bit compatibility. So - add the following to the registry (copy/paste it into Notepad and save as "RansackContext.reg", double click the resulting file to merge it for those that may not know how);

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="AgentRan_ShellExt Class"

@="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Mythicsoft\\Agent Ransack\\arshellext.dll"





and you'll have a context menu entry again. It may be necessary to register the .dll with Windows in the manner described above too - I didn't but things seem to work OK.

Even with W7's much better search I still use Agent Ransack all the time...

Hi ran across this thread (second time actually).....just thought i would let everyone with Windows 7 64-bit know that MythicSoft has updated Agent Ransack and there is now a 64-bit edition available. After installing it, I had the familiar context menu item. I'm glad they did it, I was going through withdrawals and was about to take a leap into hacking the registry and lo and behold, I saw they released Agent Ransack 64-bit yesterday! Cool.

I just did a clean install of Windows 7 RTM 64-bit a few hours ago. I installed an old (but good) piece of software, Agent Ransack.

It installed correctly, and runs okay too. But normally there is a context menu item for Agent Ransack when right-clicking on a folder. This allows you to search the folder you right-clicked on with Agent Ransack.

However, there is no context menu item for Agent Ransack. I tried uninstalling, and re-installing, but same results.

Is there something I need to do that would allow the Agent Ransack installation program to add a context menu item? Or is adding the context menu item manually my only choice? If so, any tips on doing this are appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Open Agent Ransack go to Tools > Shell Integration.. a dialog will open and there are options to add to a folders context menu and Files context menu as well as hot key etc
