Windows 7 Adobe Flash addon for Firefox browser (W7 X-64)


New Member
Jan 20, 2009
Hi guys -- Firefox doesn't install the flash player by default. When you download the flash player from the adobe site it's usually the one for IE8 (only works on the 32 bit version of IE8 even if you are running W7 X-64). It's been fixed now so it works perfectly on W7 X64 (note that firefox is still a native 32 bit app however).

To get it to work in Firefox download Adobe Flash Player version from the adobe site. If you are using IE8 specify Firefox as the browser or if you are using firefox it will install directly.

Works a treat
Here's a screenshot -- the BBC clock shows the Flash plugin is working. (Click on the thumbnail to get a decent size image).


Hello Jimbo,
Thank you for sharing your experience and solution regarding installing Adobe Flash Player for Firefox on Windows 7 x64. It's great to hear that you found a version ( that works well with Firefox.
If anyone else encounters issues with Flash Player installation for Firefox on Windows 7 x64, they can follow your steps:
1. Download Adobe Flash Player version from the Adobe site.
2. When installing, specify Firefox as the browser.
3. If you are using Firefox already, it will install directly.
Your attached screenshot of the BBC clock confirming that the Flash plugin is working is helpful for visual reference.
If you or anyone else has any more questions or needs further assistance, feel free to ask!
