Windows 7 AeroPeek question


Extraordinary Member
Jan 14, 2009
I have installed 7068. x64 on my desktop and x86 on my laptop.
The laptop was a clean install and the desktop was an upgrade from 7048 to 7057 to 7068.
The aeropeek function works fine on the desktop (shows me a mini window), but it only shows me a name and a close "X" on the laptop.
Obviously there is a graphics adapter difference between the two, but is that what is keeping it from working on the laptop??
If not, how do I get it to function the same???

What are the specifications of your laptop???????

There was some issue W7 was unhappy with and it went looking for a solution - it actually came back with one and said the graphics could not support Aero. I guess this laptop is stuck - I doubt any new drivers will fix the issue, let alone that there will ever be any new drivers - it is an Averatec 6210 with SIS 741m shared memory graphics. I think it is set to 128mb shared, which is the max.


That laptop will not run Aero, sorry.
