Apple of Eris Themes are mac osx style themes for windows 7.
This work is copywritted by ZEUSosX = Pavlos Pitselas © Please USE it only to your COMPUTER SYSTEM as is.
Do not modify, edit , copy it or change the name or the images or the code of it.
Styles of Themes:
Gray Safari style
[ofcourse there more than the previews, there are 12 themes]
MAC OS X STYLE SHADOWS !!!! * * * arround the borders, a work with alot of difficulties, specially for the no borders (safari NAMED) style themes.
alot of styles have open folderband in a new style designed for first time, with shorter in height distances and with to some of them new code addded so we can have white text when mouse over or when mouse pressed.
i do not use Apple fonts , like [except in some cases ] as i think they dont look in windows 7 enviroment so good, and also i do not use the Segoe ui one's as i did to my previews themes, so i decided to make my theme using mainly Arial font as i found better for appearing. [a balance between elegancy and easiness for my eyes].
new progressbars are remade and many many others.
Select the theme, and after you apply it, select it again for second time. [this because sometimes the color borders in windows 7 system does not applied with the first double left clik of the theme. so do it two times, please.)
Instructions and texts included to
Special thanks to Panda X , DM-moinmoin , Patrickgs , and and Yoni (Rafael Rodriguez) .
All features referenced in my work are subject to change.
I do not allow modifications or copy of my work.
Thank you All of you, for your support.
Made in H E L L A S (= Greece ).
Inspired by ERIS'S APPLE.