
Windows Forum Admin
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Premium Supporter
Jul 22, 2005
Ask Us Anything!
Promotion ends: December 8, 2012
How is your Windows 8 experience going this holiday season? We want to improve your experience at Windows8Forums.com. And that's why we are currently having a short, quiet, and great holiday promotion!

To celebrate the opening of our Windows 8 Forums "Feedback Forum", please ask us some questions or concerns you may have about this website in this thread. We will answer them at a team meeting and publish your username (and real name, if submitted), on our upcoming YouTube video session and MP3 podcast.

We need your help and your feedback so much, that we are holding this fun promotion.

The user considered to have asked the best and most useful question will receive a free prize from the Windows 7 Forums / Windows 8 Forums (WindowsForum.com) network. While the prize is unspecified, it will include a Steam video game, a gift card, and a free lifetime Premium Supporter designation. If you live in the US, you will receive a free t-shirt, as well. We will decide what to give away, additionally, based on the responses.

This is a small, little known, thank you to our steadfast community of members. Forum staff (volunteer team members) can apply and will qualify for the promotion.

Here are the terms and conditions:

You must Ask Us Anything by midnight GMT 12/8/2012 (we will accept late receptions of a few hours here or there but not before our meeting at 7:00 PM US ET).

You must reply to this thread with your Ask Us Anything question.

The question must not be ridiculous or insulting, but can be virtually anything.

If you want to win a prize (and we will give out the prize), the question should probably have some focus on IT, the website, etc. It should be rewarding to you to ask it.

The e-mail you have on file must be legitimate or you will be disqualified. (We can not send electronic prizes or correspondence to non-existent e-mail addresses)

The best question, can of course, start with a concern, and then a request on how we plan on addressing it. The question can be technical, like, how do I fix my computer. Be as concise and detailed as possible. These are best placed in the Support sections, but for this promotion, we WILL accept them!

The general theme for Ask Us Anything is Windows7Forums.com, Windows8Forums.com, and Information Technology. But the question can be about anything.

Ask Us Anything!

While you can ask us anything, our entire team may not have time to answer everything! But, I, myself, will try to stay longer to answer everything if need be.

A violation of our Terms of Service will disqualify you from Ask Us Anything!

The information and experience we get from Ask Us Anything! will be used solely to help us enhance our website for future use. It will not be used for third party meddling into your affairs or a disclosure of your information. See our Privacy Policy.

You can ask as many questions as you want in this thread until the close of the Ask Us Anything holiday promotion! Do not create multiple user accounts!

We will not accept Ask Us Anything questions outside of this thread, in any e-mail, PM, visitor message, etc. Questions about the promotion should be directed to: [email protected].

Anyone participating in this thread with an Ask Us Anything question may also receive a special gift when the winner is announced, even if the question is not considered #1. Specifically, the first questions to kick off the thread may receive special preference.

Obviously, you must have a legitimate Windows 8 Forums account (Register at Windows 8 Forums) to Ask Us Anything!

Even if you get nothing, you will still be taking a step towards 1) Helping others who visit the site 2) Becoming known on the site and 3) Helping us to improve the website greatly.

Happy Holidays!

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I have one problem with the Forum S/W. I'm of course using Win 8 Pro with IE 10 in desktop mode.

In order to activate the Enter key as a carriage return I have to use Compatibility Mode. In another Forum (WS Lounge) once I choose Compatibility Mode, I can use the Full WYSIWYG Editing mode. When I do so with this forum, the software automatically switches me back to Standard Editing mode, which is not what I prefer.

I assume this has something to do with the software. They use vBulletin V4.1.4 (which in itself is out of date)

I cannot see which version of software the Win 8 Forum uses. Am I doing something incorrectly? Can I use the Full WYSIWYG Editing without using Compatibility Mode and still get Enter to give me a carriage return?

This is a somewhat minor problem but at the same time a little irritating.

How inviting is the website to the average viewer?
The theme in itself is a debatable topic, I've heard comments of how it looks "antiquated" and that it should be modernized/metroified. I really couldn't agree more. Look at this website for example: Link Removed. Their website was recently revamped and now looks very attractive - bright colours, metro edges, etc.

However, I don't necessarily think the theme of the site should currently be top priority. My largest concern (also have heard the same thing from a few others) is the organization of the forums: there's simply too many sub-forums. I don't think I've personally explored them all, and there's even some that still have no posts. A majority of these could be consolidated, but I think it's something that we as a staff need to discuss over a meeting. I didn't want to bring it up yesterday as I think it's really something that requires a few hours work.

My thoughts exuent.

Only two questions?? Time is of the essence ;)

Perhaps this is because everything is working well here and there are no further changes to be made.

Generally it seems the users here are the more knowledgeable PC users. These are the types that come to Forums such as these. The average every day user that uses his/her PC for emailing, playing games and surfing probably does not know forums such as this exist.

I guess the best suggestion I could make is to try to get the word out to those people that we are here waiting to provide whatever help we can. I wonder if perhaps sending some notices to large retail sellers explaining that we attempt to help those having problems, either understanding how to use their S/W or problems with their S/W or H/W.

The more people that know we are here, the more people will come seeking help.

And the winner of this promotion has been announced in our latest meeting! Of course, it may take some time for this video to propagate on YouTube, so please give us time. We will also be contacting our winner: Medicted60! Thanks to all who participated.

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