Windows 7 Audio device config shortcut or 7.1/2.1 .bat changer

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Hello. I'm using Win7 and 7.1 audio device. My headphones have 7.1/2.1 state button. And I wanted to make some shortcut or bat command file to quickly change configuration of my audio device from 7.1 to 2.1 and back again, but cant go further than "Choose default audio device" dialog window. I wonder is there a way to get to the next dialog tab(Configure chosen device) or create a .bat file that will trigger the configuration at run? If yes - how exactly? Thanks.

This is more of a programming/scripting issue. To get an understanding of what you are trying to do, someone would need to the make/model of the headphones and, possibly, the audio card and software. What does your .bat file look like right now? Best.
