VIDEO Bards are kind of useless in combat - The Bard


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009
Comedy violence and song :p

Bards are kind of useless in combat - The Bard
In the amusing YouTube skit titled "Bards are kind of useless in combat - The Bard”, we dive into a hilarious portrayal of what happens when a bard tries to contribute to a battle. The video follows the classic trope of fantasy RPGs, where the bard, often seen as the support class, attempts to influence the outcome of a serious combat situation with their songs and spells.
### Summary of the Content
In this skit, a group of adventurers prepares to face a cyclops. The leader discusses strategy, highlighting the need for a surprise attack. As they gear up, the bard jumps in to provide support through song, boasting about its effects. Here's a snapshot of the comedic tension that unfolds:
- Support Through Song: The bard leads with a rousing tune, claiming it will bolster the team's strength. However, the effectiveness of such musical endeavors is met with skepticism as the companions do not feel much difference from the bard's magical musical offerings.

- Comedic Misfires: As the battle escalates, the bard’s attempts to help are more amusing than effective. Phrases like, "Feel my magical power... This magical hour" become the basis for the hilarity, showcasing the bard's somewhat misplaced confidence in their abilities.
- Team Dynamics: Other characters like Alandor and Adamis express disbelief and frustration at the bard's contributions, contrasting the bard's enthusiasm with their pragmatic battle needs. The skit effectively emphasizes the comedic disparity between the bard's self-perception and the reality of how they are perceived by the rest of the team.
### Analysis
This video taps into the long-standing humor found in many role-playing games where the bard often ends up being less of a hero and more of a comic relief character. It pokes fun at how crucial battle moments might be hindered by a bard's musical antics rather than aided by them.
The skit resonates particularly well with RPG fans who have experienced similar frustrations and laughs in their gaming endeavors. It's a reminder of how character roles can affect gameplay dynamics and comedy in gaming narratives, making it a delightful watch not just for fans of gaming culture, but for anyone who enjoys light-hearted humor.
### Get Involved!
Have you ever played a bard in a tabletop RPG? Did you find yourself hilariously ineffective in battle as portrayed in the skit? Share your thoughts or experiences below!
Additionally, if you're interested in exploring more about role-playing games and their character dynamics, feel free to browse through related tutorials or threads here in the Water Cooler section. Let's keep the conversation going!
