Windows 7 Batch File will not execute multiple moves

Lisa Brooks

New Member
Please Help! I have a batch file that performs the following tasks:
1) renames a counter field
2) creates two variables that will be used later to rename two separate files
3) Opens SQL*Plus and starts an Oracle Script which starts two separate stored procedures
4) Moves and renames the subsequent spooled files from both procedures

The first spooled file moves and renames with no problem. The second one (which has a job that is more labor intensive) does not move or rename. I have tried adding a TIMEOUT and making sure that the folders have the right permissions. Still nothing. My code for the batch file and the Oracle script are attached below.

Batch File
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set filename="E:\Transfers\XXX\prod_directory\pullsched_seq2.dat"
if exist "%filename%" del "%filename%"
for /f %%A in (E:\Transfers\XXX\prod_directory\pullsched_seq.dat) do (
set num=%%A
set /a num+=1
echo !num!>>"%filename%"
set newnum=!num!
set newproc=schedule%DATE:~10,4%%DATE:~4,2%%DATE:~7,2%%TIME:~0,2%%TIME:~3,2%.dat
del "E:\Transfers\XXX\prod_directory\pullsched_seq.dat"
rename "E:\Transfers\XXX\prod_directory\pullsched_seq2.dat" "pullsched_seq.dat"
rem start Oracle Script
logon/password @database @C:\Schedule\pullschedule0325.sql
move C:\Schedule\schedule_today.txt E:\Transfers\ftpadmin\archive\schedule\%newnum%
(this move works)
move C:\Schedule\schedule_today2.txt E:\Transfers\XXX\output_directory\%newproc%
(this one does not)

Oracle Script (@C:\Schedule\pullsched0325.sql)
rem @C:\Schedule\pullsched0325.sql
set term off
set feedback off
set verify off
set echo off
set heading off
set serveroutput on size 1000000
set linesize 174
spool C:\Schedule\schedule_today.txt
spool C:\Schedule\schedule_today2.txt