Yesterday my pc crashed and it had to restart, when it restarted it began doing a update which I have been "later-ing" and it said preparing to configure windows, then configuring windows And it would start at 50% then go and stop at 58%, then say preparing to configure windows! and it looped like that for a while, then I thought something was broken so I turned of the the computer, them turned it back on, well it did the loop! again, then finally it said: wwindoes update failed, undoing changes, it's sat like that for 30 or40 min, then finally restart the took me ti the login screen, I choose my user and put in my pass and normally what would take me to the tile screen to me to a black screen, it's been sitting like this for a while and I really hope that it will work,
Any help?
Specs (that I can say without checking on the computer)
It's a laptop: European (I'm in the us, got it on a trip) HP pro book 450 with windows 8.1 (came with 8)
I did notice I had about 11.7 gb left of space