Windows 10 Bitcoin Virus/Malware dissected

Great video, Josephur!! I really enjoyed it. Some great tips in tracking down nasty viruses. It's also quite interesting that the virus writers are only going after folks who have high-end GPU cards. Most of those people have self-built PCs or custom-built PCs and are all desktop PC type computers. Very few laptops would have a GPU chip powerful enough to be affected by this virus. Or at all, since it may be looking for the PCI express bus parameters in BIOS or something. So, this virus wouldn't work on the majority of laptops or tablets for instance. Ingeniously evil, I believe.:pirate: And also, Gamers are more likely to be paying for stuff online such as extended game play options with Bitcoin, as opposed to PayPal, or AMEX or another online payment method.

Keep 'em coming!;)

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