Windows 7 Blue-screen when playing CS:GO


Nov 8, 2015
A little over a week ago my computer blue-screened in the middle of a CS:GO game. It now keeps blue-screening after about 20-30 minutes of playing and it's getting really annoying!!! It never happens in any other games, just CS:GO.
The blue-screen message says something about display drivers, I never catch exactly what it says, it goes away too quickly. I used WhoCrashed to try and find out what went wrong and it gives the same error for each crash:

On Sat 07/11/2015 19:39:33 GMT your computer crashed
crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\110715-56160-01.dmp
This was probably caused by the following module: atikmpag.sys (atikmpag+0xCCAC)
Bugcheck code: 0x116 (0xFFFFFA800A8C44E0, 0xFFFFF88004010CAC, 0x0, 0x2)
file path: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\atikmpag.sys
product: AMD driver
company: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
description: AMD multi-vendor Miniport Driver
Bug check description: This indicates that an attempt to reset the display driver and recover from a timeout failed.
A third party driver was identified as the probable root cause of this system error. It is suggested you look for an update for the following driver:atikmpag.sys (AMD multi-vendor Miniport Driver, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.).
Google query: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. VIDEO_TDR_ERROR

Before it started to blue-screen I removed the dust from my case, but I'm pretty sure I didn't do any damage to any of the components.
I've checked and my video card driver is up to date, and beyond that I don't really have any idea of what to do. I hope I've given enough information for you to spot any issues.
Can you help me???

looking at what you posted your graphics driver suffered whats called a 'TDR' which basically means the driver tried to reset but for some reason couldn't. Now the best way for us to help is to read the actual dump files created when the machine bsod's. These are found in a folder marked 'Minidump' in the main Windows folder. If you can't find the folder or no dump files are present then you'll need to change your settings so that they are produced when you bsod:
Open the run application.
Type sysdm.cpl in the run box and click ok.
Look across the top of the system properties box for 'Advanced' and click that.
Look for 'Startup and Recovery' near the bottom and click 'settings'.
Near the bottom you'll see a drop down menu under the...
Ok good. It could well be that dust was causing some overheating you'll just have to see how things go and if the issue returns we'll try something else.

Well I've been able to play without any issues over the past couple of days. I won't get too excited yet in case I've just been lucky. I'll give it another day or two, but things are looking promising! Thanks :D

Well it's been 4 days now without a blue-screen, so I'm pretty sure it's fixed. Thanks so much for your help and patience!

Hey that's great to hear. Any problems just post back.. :)

Ok, I blue-screened again just now. I'm trying to upload the dump file, but I can't zip it, or just upload the file. It comes up with an error saying I don't have permission to open the file and that I should contact an administrator, which has never happened before.

*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.

BugCheck 116, {fffffa800a4ce4e0, fffff88003f29d78, 0, 2}

Unable to load image atikmpag.sys, Win32 error 0n2
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for atikmpag.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for atikmpag.sys
Probably caused by : atikmpag.sys ( atikmpag+cd78 )

Followup: MachineOwner
same dump file as before as you can see. You could try using the DDU and installing the latest AMD Crimson drivers as i know they just updated.
These bsod's might well be caused by your graphics card being faulty. Is there anyway for you to run it in a different machine like a friends?

Ok, I'll try the crimson drivers first, but if not, I can probably run it in a new machine. I was looking at upgrading soon, so if it is a faulty card, it will have come at a good time!

Well I just installed the new crimson drivers and this error message appeared. Do you know what it means or how I can fix it?


  • ScreenHunter_31 Nov. 25 17.21.webp
    ScreenHunter_31 Nov. 25 17.21.webp
    24.8 KB · Views: 372
Did you use the DDU to remove the previous driver? Perhaps your card isn't compatible? Try running a previous driver and see if installs ok.
Do you have a friend who could test the card for you?

Yes I did. This error appeared a couple of minutes after the installation, so I think the drivers installed fine before it appeared.
Yes I do, it'll take a couple of days though, but I'll try it.

I think it's best if you can. Check the card over using your friends machine then you'll know if it's the card which is causing the issues

Ok, I'm getting a new card on Tuesday (I was going to do this anyway, it's not because of the blue-screening!), so I'll know if it was the card then. I've blue-screened twice more, but it'll just be the same, so I won't post the dump files!
