Windows 10 Bogus Emails, what?


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Microsoft Community Contributor

Both my wife and I are getting bogus emails from people we know that we know they aren't sending intentionally.

What these messages have in common is the code

I kind of understand that this is a signal to shorten the visible address.
The messages have no subject, have a message like Hello Mike and a Link.

I clicked on one of the ones that I got and it was a link to a Weight Loss chemical that you take to lose weight.

Next I ran Malwarebytes and notified the person the email came from that I was receiving these messages.

The thing is that Malwarebytes didn't find anything, and that may be that I don't have the virus myself, only the person sending them.

The other thing is that when I ran a search for I kept getting malware hits and my malware software would block them from opening.

Anyway I'd be interested in any information about this that anyone has.

Services like and bitly are intended merely to shorten long URLs. They are also often used for malware and phising purposes because they conceal the destination. More times than not this should send up a red flag. I'd recommend using Browserling - Live interactive cross-browser testing for testing these links before visiting them. Browserling will run them in a sandbox and not on your machine.
Hi Neemo

I'll check them out, I've run Malwarebytes on my computer twice and it didn't find anything but my wife has gotten messages from a bunch of people in the last week or so.

I've notified one person that I know didn't sent me the email on purpose, but I haven't heard back from her so far.

Faking email addresses is extremely easily unless you have DMARC implemented which would be at the server end as well as DMARC checking on the client side. I've never heard of someone implementing DMARC on the client end. I believe there are products out there that integrate into outlook that can tell you based on the headers if an email is fake