
New Member
Mar 5, 2009
installed Windows 7 beta 7220 on my pc and everything is fine ( nuked ) . but now i tried installing on mates and it goes to boot from disk and i get a 'Cannot boot from disk code:5' message top of screen then goes on to boot from HDD . i tired different HDD and Drive still no luck , any help would be much appritiated thanks ( WINDOWS 7 RULESS ) MS learnt there leasson making a gready OS . Thanks for your time :D .

but now i tried installing on mates and it goes to boot from disk and i get a 'Cannot boot from disk code:5' message
What motherboard do you have? Is it an "ASRock"?
I have had the same error on several PCs with "ASRock" main boards. I tried different DVDs (DVD+ and DVD-) and different DVD player. Always the same "error 5". Seems to me that THIS motherboards can not boot from THIS Windows 7 boot DVD. Other boot DVDs works fine with this "ASRock" mainboard; e.g. Vista boot DVD.

I have connected my hard disk to an other PC and start the install. After the first reboot (because: before the hardware detection starts) I moved hard disk back to the PC with "ASRock" main board and finish the installation.

nopeee its a MSI board , ill do what you said run the installation and continue with it after the first reboot .Thanks ill post back after i tried this out . egsact same issiue mine boots winXP an Vista disks fine . Thanks for fast reply :razz:.

:D:D Im posting from the computer that wasnt booting after a sucsessfull installation, you are a genious thankyou very much . :D:D
