Hi guys
Last night, while my download manager was set to shutdown after all complete and at 02 am, shutdown occured.
But today, it always gives that BSOD with stop: 0x0000007E at the boot up. I cant even start the safe mode, it always restarts in the bootup sequence. Windows7 startup repair only loads the last recovery point,but it does not help.
Tried returning back to my old Xp, but it says "I cant" because that partition was not something like Xp wanted.
So, I am completely stuck here.
edit: the error code is stop:0x0000007E (0xC0000005, 0x859EB787, 0x8B113210, 0x8B112DF0)
PS: I had borrowed my w7 dvd to a friend, so I dont have it right now.