
New Member
Jan 7, 2012
Hi, I was surfing the web and watching videos when suddenly my laptop turned off and restarted. However, the restart was unsuccessful and I saw the BSOD. The blue screen didn't stay and the PC automatically started start up repair. It did not fix the problem. It gave me the option to go to the advance start up repair menu (I think that was what it was called). At the advance repair menu, I tried system restore (failed half way) and use sfc/ scannow in cmd(said system restore is in process need reboot to complete, but my PC cannot boot so everytime I restart I end up at the advance start up repair menu).

My laptop is Lenovo T420
64 bit
Windows 7 enterprise

Start up repair diagnostic - Unknown Bugcheck: Bugcheck 50. Parameters = 0xfffff8800415c000, 0x1, 0xfffff80002c816b1, 0x0.

Repair action : system files integrity check and repair
Result: Failed. Error code = 0x490
Time taken = 1795338 ms

*** STOP: 0x00000050 (0xFFFFF88003F5A000,0x0000000000000001,0XFFFFF80002C776, x0000000000000000)

seems like everytime I try to boot, the blue screen is different, these does not have error name
***STOP 0x0000007E (0xFFFFFFFFFC0000005, 0xFFFFFA80062A72C5,0xFFFFF88003F59628,0xFFFFF88003F58E80)

***STOP: 0x000000F4 (0x00000003, 0x82A88D40,0x82A88EAC,0x8C837D50)
recently, I had experienced the "window 7 antivirus 2012" virus twice but I delt with them by system restore

Please help me, I cannot access window and I'm running circle with startup repair option

First you could try the advanced boot menu by tapping the F8 key as your machine is POSTing (during startup)
Try last known good or safe mode.
Second system restore will not resolve a virus or malware infection, as a matter of fact some of the really good ones will often hide files within system restore. So....
On another computer grab this program (get the proper version for your architecture) and a blank CD. Double click the program and it will create a bootable CD which you can use to boot the problem PC (may require setting the BIOS to select CD/DVD as first boot device or tapping a Fkey at boot time to evoke a boot menu that allows you to select the CD/DVD as the boot device) independent of the Operating System and perform...
First you could try the advanced boot menu by tapping the F8 key as your machine is POSTing (during startup)
Try last known good or safe mode.
Second system restore will not resolve a virus or malware infection, as a matter of fact some of the really good ones will often hide files within system restore. So....
On another computer grab this program (get the proper version for your architecture) and a blank CD. Double click the program and it will create a bootable CD which you can use to boot the problem PC (may require setting the BIOS to select CD/DVD as first boot device or tapping a Fkey at boot time to evoke a boot menu that allows you to select the CD/DVD as the boot device) independent of the Operating System and perform a Full Scan of your computer.
