
Apr 15, 2014
I followed the instructions and attached the required files. If you require anything else please don't hesitate to ask. This BSoD don't happen really often, sometimes when nothing is happening on the Desktop but out of the times it does happen its mostly when I wake up my PC from Sleep Mode. My PC wakes up from Sleep literally right after I push the power button so I can't narrow it down to far as to what its trying to do when it happens. It could be Drivers though. When I was looking for a new system optimizer I got the highest rated one which is Advanced System Optimizer, this includes a Driver Updater. I think it might have installed some Drivers that aren't needed or even conflicting with others. So that would be a good place to start. That's pretty much it as far as the story goes.

Thanks for any help, DWreck.


*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.

BugCheck 9F, {3, fffffa8006728890, fffff80004f443d8, fffffa80409bec10}

Probably caused by : ACPI.sys

Followup: MachineOwner

You do have some possible culprits running:

AiChargerPlus.sys Thu Apr 19 02:17:35 2012: Asus Charger Driver can be a likely BSOD cause uninstall to...
Sounds good.. :)
I have some good news and some bad news. First the bad news, I got another BSoD. The good news is it's not the same BSoD, something along the lines of a driver power sate failure. Anyway, I uploaded the new files for reviewing to see what it is. Thanks for any help again.


*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.

BugCheck 9F, {3, fffffa8006728890, fffff80004f443d8, fffffa80409bec10}

Probably caused by : ACPI.sys

Followup: MachineOwner

You do have some possible culprits running:

AiChargerPlus.sys Thu Apr 19 02:17:35 2012: Asus Charger Driver can be a likely BSOD cause uninstall to test.

RTCore64.sys Tue Sep 06 13:24:50 2011: RivaTuner/EVGA Precision/MSI Afterburner (known BSOD issues w/Win7) please uninstall to test.

sptd.sys Tue Nov 23 11:47:37 2010: SCSI Pass Through Direct Host - Daemon Tools (known BSOD issues with Win7) a very likely culprit please uninstall to test or at least try to update to latest version.

bcmvwl64.sys Mon Nov 22 13:58:19 2010: Broadcom Virtual Wireless Adapter: Later version on webpage:

tmp78E6.tmp Sat Jul 26 14:29:37 2008: Only info I could find on this driver/file was that it might be related to this:
http://openlibsys.org./ (it might also be related to daemon tools but we'll see)

wdcsam64.sys Wed Apr 16 09:39:08 2008: Western Digital External Drive RAID Manager 2008 driver version has known BSOD issues in Windows please remove any software you have installed relating to the external drive you have. Once removed then do a search for the above driver (making sure your external is disconnected) and make sure it's gone. Once your sure it's been removed re-install the new software outlined in previous posts.

Post any new dump files.

Okay I did some of the things you asked:

I removed AiCharger+

I removed MSI Afterburner (For testing)

I removed Daemon Tools (For testing)

I updated the Broadcom driver

I don't have a clue what that might be. It must be a process that runs in the background for an application. But Daemon Tools is removed so we'll see.

I uninstalled all thing's that are related to WD listed as a program, but I don't know how to remove drivers not listed as a program. How can I get those ones removed too?

Try doing a search of your files and folders.
Link Removed

So when I find a file that's related to a driver like the "wdcsam64.sys" one, does deleting the file uninstall the driver?

If you do find one try setting a system restore point and then deleting the driver. If you have any issues after deletion you can always go back to the restore point.

I found the "wdcsam64.sys" file located on my external HDD in the default files that came stock with it. I just stored all the default stuff that came with it in another folder so if I ever needed them I could use them. But I never ran any of the installs for them. The driver updater must have detected this and installed it. I deleted it, and the "tmp78E6.tmp" file didn't come up anymore after uninstalling the other programs. I'm going to proceed with reinstalling my other programs to and see if this happens again. I do have a backup to go back to if need be.
