Windows 7 BSOD trying to uninstall AVG


New Member
Jan 30, 2009
So, I tried uninstalling AVG 8.0 free version... And I get a BSOD doing it, it's just there for 1-2 secs, then comp reboots.

It is both "uninstalled" as in, it doesn't work, and it is still "installed" as in, no other anti virus programs can be installed.

Any easy way to get rid of this?
Removed through the "remove a program" in control panel.

Odd, I uninstalled AVG 8 and installed AntiVir without any problem. I used "Programs and Features" in Control Panel to remove AVG. This is on 32-bit Windows 7 Beta. Did you reboot after uninstalling AVG? You should have.

Try the following: Link Removed - Invalid URL

As I keep saying on these boards you should always take an "Image" dump of your computer before installing stuff that operates completely within the OS such as typical AV software.

Your best bet is probably to re-install W7 again from fresh -- then TAKE an IMAGE COPY at this point so you can always go back to this step if you want to get rid of stuff.

Do this each time you add new significant software especially software that messes around with the registry or date limited . -- Once you are satisfied everything is working as it should be copy a new image. You should keep 3 images (Disk space is cheap these days) Previous-1, previous, current. (This is known as the Grandfather, Father, Son scenario).
Note Date limited stuff is usually a pain because the Uninstall still sometimes leaves Registry entries - so you can't re-install and get another 30 days use etc.

That's another reason for restoring the image as it was before you installed the software.


Odd, I uninstalled AVG 8 and installed AntiVir without any problem. I used \"Programs and Features\" in Control Panel to remove AVG. This is on 32-bit Windows 7 Beta. Did you reboot after uninstalling AVG? You should have.

Try the following: How to uninstall AVG (remove it permanently from PC) - CNET Spyware, viruses, & security Forums

This is 64 bit.
I did it that way

And I can't reboot after uninstalling, as the BSOD appears while uninstalling it (it goes halfway then KAPOW).

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I suggest try uninstalling from SAFE MODE. Normally press F8 at the beginning of the boot sequence to get the menu to choose SAFE MODE (haven't tried it in W7b).

I tried downloading AVG again, and could install it again, without the features I wanted to uninstall...
But had to remove all of those thrash files windows couldn't open. And it probably is in the registry somewhere.

So, I tried uninstalling AVG 8.0 free version... And I get a BSOD doing it, it's just there for 1-2 secs, then comp reboots.

It is both "uninstalled" as in, it doesn't work, and it is still "installed" as in, no other anti virus programs can be installed.

Any easy way to get rid of this?
Removed through the "remove a program" in control panel.
I had the same problem and went to Avira. I also had an identical laptop and switched systems. The BSOD went away.
