
New Member
Aug 4, 2011
EVGA 790 ultra sli
q6600 Quad core
OZC DDR3 PC6400 x 2 4gb
windows 7 64bit

BSOD before complete install, error "memory management", could not copy the rest. Tried to install twice same error message. Help please?

Best I can do is just give you the above info. Win 7 does not even get a chance to finish loading with the install. I am concerned that the ram I bought may be incompatable.

If you can try pulling all but one stick of it, or run memtest to test.

Download a copy of Memtest86 and burn the ISO to a CD using Iso Recorder or another ISO burning program.

Boot from the CD, and leave it running for at least 5 or 6 passes.

Just remember, any time Memtest reports errors, it can be either bad RAM or a bad motherboard slot.

Test the sticks individually, and if you find a good one, test it in all slots.
Hi Cookie3 and Welcome to The Forum.

A BSOD which blames Memory_Management usually means your RAM/RAM settings are mismatched or incorrect.

Can you get into your BIOS and make note off, then post the RAM timings / settings here. If possible the Model numbers of your RAM and Motherboard would also be a help.

timing is as follows: tCL 6, tRCD 6, tRP 6, tRAS 18, CMD 1T, tRRD 3, tRC 20, tWR 7, tWTR 13, tFAW 13, tREF 7.6uS, tRFC 44, The motherboard is EVGA nForce 790 ultra SLI, with 2 x 2048 DDR3 pc3 6400 Ram from OCZ Gold edition. Let me know if that helps. Thanks ahead of time.


Is there any chance you know he make and model of your ram? If not if you go into the bios can you find command rate and change it to 2T for the time being to see if you can get into windows long enough to get screen grabs of cpu-z each tab and each slot for the memory.

Could you also if you get into windows get RAMMon and save off it's log so I can have a detailed overview of the memory and it's settings.


Best I can do is just give you the above info. Win 7 does not even get a chance to finish loading with the install. I am concerned that the ram I bought may be incompatable.

Best I can do is just give you the above info. Win 7 does not even get a chance to finish loading with the install. I am concerned that the ram I bought may be incompatable.

If you can try pulling all but one stick of it, or run memtest to test.

Download a copy of Memtest86 and burn the ISO to a CD using Iso Recorder or another ISO burning program.

Boot from the CD, and leave it running for at least 5 or 6 passes.

Just remember, any time Memtest reports errors, it can be either bad RAM or a bad motherboard slot.

Test the sticks individually, and if you find a good one, test it in all slots.
