Windows 10 Calculator won't open

Open a powershell prompt (press [Windows Key + x] and select powershell)

Copy and paste the following command
Get-AppxPackage -Name *WindowsCalc* | % {Add-AppxPackage -Path "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml" -Register -DisableDevelopmentMode }

If that doesn't work
  • Press [Windows key + r] and type %localappdata%
  • Navigate to "C:\Users\<username>\Appdata\Local\Packages and look for a folder with WindowsCalculator in the name and remove it
  • Run the powershell command again
1) Powershell does not open. So, I searched for power shell, Dos window opened and I pasted the command and got this result:

Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Try the new cross-platform PowerShell Installing PowerShell - PowerShell PS C:\Users\TEMP> Get-AppxPackage -Name *WindowsCalc* | % {Add-AppxPackage -Path "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml" -Register -DisableDevelopmentMode }
Add-AppxPackage : Deployment failed with HRESULT: 0x80073D23, The deployment operation was blocked because Special
profile deployment is not allowed. Please try logging into an account that is not a Special profile. You can try
logging out and logging back into the current account, or try logging into a different account.
The package deployment operation is blocked by the "Allow deployment operations in special profiles" policy.
NOTE: For additional information, look for [ActivityId] 6ad76f22-12a4-0007-df78-db6aa412d601 in the Event Log or use
the command line Get-AppPackageLog -ActivityID 6ad76f22-12a4-0007-df78-db6aa412d601
At line:1 char:42
+ ... sCalc* | % {Add-AppxPackage -Path "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (C:\Program File...ppXManifest.xml:String) [Add-AppxPackage], Exception
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : DeploymentError,Microsoft.Windows.Appx.PackageManager.Commands.AddAppxPackageCommand

2) Press [Windows key + r] and type %localappdata% "WindowsCalclator is not in the list
Looks like you're logged in with an odd user profile "C:\Users\Temp" I believe you have other problems that need to be addressed.

You'll probably want to run SFC /scannow from an elevated command prompt (Locate 'Command Prompt' in the start menu and right click it and select 'Run As Administartor' then run the SFC command)
'Command Prompt' is not listed in start menu. I can Search for 'Command Prompt' There is an option to run as administrator but nothing happens by clicking on it. I can open a Dos prompt but it opens to C:\Users\TEMP What's the command to change it to Users\Barbara? I think that's where being admin is located.
Anything you run on a Windows Vista or newer computer runs as a regular user (from a security perspective) in order to run something will elevated permissions you have to right click the program you wish to run and select "Run as Administrator"
You'd need to run the command I mentioned, but because you likely have other issues you'd need to fix the system corrupt. For one you'll need to fix the temp profile load problem before addressing anytime else.

The process is the same for Windows 7-10
Link Removed
I printed off the "Windows 10 - You've been....." Oh boy! Registry editor? Not sure I have the skills for this. I might need to go to a computer tech. All your information has been very helpful. I can see I have a problem. Just an FYI, my computer was running just fine until Windows Update did its thing. I woke up to a computer that was completely hijacked.
Are you getting any particular error while opening calculator
Open the Settings app.
Go to the Apps section
List of all applications will now appear. Select Calculator and click on Advanced options.
Now click on the Reset button. Now click on Reset again in the confirmation window
After doing that, the problem should be resolved and you’ll be able to use Calculator without any issues.
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