Windows 7 Campus USB Gaming: UAC Shield Icon

Blake Gracia

New Member
Hey, I am going to walk you ladies and gents though step by step so you can tell me the best route to resolve my issue, mmmkay?

1. Bestbuy, puchased 128GB Thumb Drive.
2. Downloaded a game called ShotOnline (file ShotOnline.exe.) into the SanDisk 128GB Thumb Drive.
3. Got a 8AM - 8:50AM Class then a 11AM - 11:50AM. I have 3 hours of gaming/home work time, but being a college campus, the entire campus computers are administrator password protected.

I desperately need this friggin shield icon to go away on my ShotOnline application on my thumb drive!

How can I start playing Shot Online on campus without interference?

Thanks Guy & Gals
Blake G.
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Not sure if you can. It's an Online game. And if it's administrator protected, you should contact one of them. Everything else is, in my opinion, hacking, and that we do not support - not accusing you, okay?