Windows 7 cannot open Device Manager


New Member
Mar 18, 2009
When I try to launch Device Manager in the control Panel I got an Error massage Titled : "Microsoft Management Console" and the text is "Failed to create empty document"

I am running Windows 7 Build 7000.

Do you have an idea how can I fix this issue?


Have a look and see if you have this file :

Try and type it into "run"
If you don't have it, or "run" cannot find it,, google and download it. It should have been in the DVD by default.

Thanks Dave,
I do have the file but still get the same error message when I try yo run it manualy.
The problem is more generic and every *.msc file ( like services.msc for open the services control panel) which opens a management console displays the same error.

OK. It looks like you may haveassociation problem. You can fix it up manually, but easier to go here and select the "msc" option.
Link Removed - Invalid URL

It is for Vista, but it's the same thing.
If that does not work, it can by a myriad of different things, but, fwiw, make sure you have the folder Users -username-Appdata - Local - Temp , intact and have not accidentally deleted it. (Or, If you have it, delete the entire contents -don't worry, it will do no harm)

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