Windows 7 Can't install Windows 7 or Vista


New Member
Feb 27, 2009

I burned the windows 7 image on a DVD with 4x write speed. I have tried to install it from within Xp but Xp says something like this " this application can not be executed...etc " Something to do with XP being 32 bit and windows 7 64 bit?
Then i inserted the DVD and rebooted and from BIOS " Boot from DVD " and the setup started.
Everything goes well to the point where it is " Completing setup " There it's doing it's stuff about 2 - 4 minutes and reboots second time. When it reboots and the windows 7 logo shows and under it reads " Starting Windows " and the logo " Glows " like, the harddisk reads about 20 seconds and DVD drive spins about 20 seconds, then the windows logo stops " Glowing " and the disk activities stops and nothing happens.:eek:

I tried on that " hangup " point Ctrl+Alt+Del, no success. Tried Alt+F4, no success. Numlock works though on keyboard. I have waited on that point about 30 minutes because i readed somewhere it can take up to 2 hours to install, but after i waited about 30 minutes i gave up.

The Vista ( both 32 bit and 64 bit any version) behaves the same. I can't install them either.

I have updated BIOS. I am shure i have hardware up to date for Vista and Windows 7.
I have tried allso the Vista upgrade advisor and regarding to it my PC is up to date.

Things i have not tried yet is removing 2 gigs of ram so that i would have only 2gigs during installation procedure. But could it be that?

Have someone had same problems and resolved them?

Thank You:)
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Oh guy i think your mainboard or ram is wrong. you eject your disk while setup windows and continue. Its worked for me

Oh guy i think your mainboard or ram is wrong. you eject your disk while setup windows and continue. Its worked for me

Thanks for reply.

Do you mean with " wrong " that my mobo or ram is faulty or of wrong model?

The box where the mobo where said " Vista ready " and the memory that i have are:

4 x 1024 mb Kingston DDR2-SDRAM 533 (266 Mhz)

Kind Regards Ripe
