New menu, suggestions
... i like the new menu. i have it looking just like xp i dont see the problem with it. lol
i was just saying it wouldnt be hard for ms to make it switchable.
I kinda like this new Start-menu.
- The
name of the menu should be visible and not this 'windows flag in circle'. It is damned hard to describe to an user in the phone, what to do, when you dont have a explicit name for a thing. Some doesn't even know the word 'menu'. They think it is something in a restaurant.
- There should also be the
computer name. It is annoying to go thru Start + (rc)Computer + Properties + Computer Name every time you come to fix a computer
- Start menu icon should be
relocatable on the backgound like any other window and
pinned to the taskbar.
- Start menu icon should be
relocatable in the taskbar
- It should be
resizable by mouse. When there is a long list of programs and directories, it wold be nice to make it large to see and reorganize it
- The panels should be like in WInXP:
AllPrograms list right. When you have many programs in the list and it (HOPEFULLY ?) is built in two or more columns, it works better, if it was in the right panel.
- There should be a
LOCK icon to keep the menu not disappearing, when you want to do something there. Better still, if it could be
opened, maximized and closed like any other window.
Cut-and-Paste. It would make organizing easier, if you could drag-and-drop commands, directories and files to the menu
All together: Start Menu should work like any other window.
For those who were here with Windos 1.0 - Windows 3.11, this might be familiar. There was no START menu. There was this MAIN window, which contained the tools most often needed.
The Taskbar should have
separators between toolbars. There should be either separators or separate colour backgrounds for toolbars ! ! ! ! ! !