Windows 7 Crashing before install


New Member
May 6, 2009
Hey, i'm trying out the windows 7 X64 edition, but when it begins installing (when i'm on the desktop, and everything is formatted and ect.) it crashes. Is this a problem with my hardware not being X64-bit compatiable, or is it a software issue? I did a clean install.

Hey, i'm trying out the windows 7 X64 edition, but when it begins installing (when i'm on the desktop, and everything is formatted and ect.) it crashes. Is this a problem with my hardware not being X64-bit compatiable, or is it a software issue? I did a clean install.
We might be able to help you if you can post the Computer SPECS using the format listed below and explain in a few words what you meant by
it crashes

  1. EXACT Make and Model of the MOTHERBOARD if custom built PC [If it is a brand name Computer , its Exact Make & Model will suffice. With that as a search term we can find out about most default devices and software loaded on Commercially manufactured Computers from their support websites]
  2. EXACT Make and Model of the CPU
  3. EXACT Make and Model of the RAM; Total RAM
  4. EXACT Make and Model of any Add -on cards ( PCI/AGP/ PCIE etc) in the system
  5. EXACT Make and Model of any Internal or Exteranal USB devices attached to the system
  6. EXACT Make and Model of Power Supply Unit or at the least its Wattage
  7. If the major emphasis of your question is on any device its EXACT Make and Model
Thank you


Motherboard: Funconn A7GM-S
CPU AMD Athlon 64 6000 X2
4.0gb ram Corsair DDR2 XMS2
512 mb Radeon 3850 Crysal graphic card
450 watt power supply

Hey, i'm trying out the windows 7 X64 edition, but when it begins installing (when i'm on the desktop, and everything is formatted and ect.) it crashes, the screen goes black and it restarts.

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Motherboard: Funconn A7GM-S
CPU AMD Athlon 64 6000 X2
4.0gb ram Corsair DDR2 XMS2
512 mb Radeon 3850 Crysal graphic card
450 watt power supply

Hey, i'm trying out the windows 7 X64 edition, but when it begins installing (when i'm on the desktop, and everything is formatted and ect.) it crashes, the screen goes black and it restarts.
Thank you for your SPECS and the details of the symptoms.

I quickly reviewed the FOXCONN A7GM-S Board ( it's not Funncon :)) at - Foxconn A7GM-S AM2+/AM2 AMD 780G HDMI Micro ATX AMD Motherboard - AMD Motherboards
It is a good board and should support Win 7 X64.

I am guessing that you are installing this Win Bit 64 Build 7100 RC with another system like Windows Vista or Windows XP already installed on a different partition and running well without any major issues. If that is the case I would further assume you might have several USB peripherals on the system configured to work in the existing OS. If that assumption is correct, I suspect one or more of the USB devices attached to the MoBo or external USB ports might be interfering with the setup.

My suggestion based entirely on all those assumptions is to disconnect all of the USB devices including any USB Printers, Scanners, WeCam, Hubs, External HDDs and any Memory Card Readers installed in the case with USB connectors on to the MoBo, etc and then try Reinstall Win 7 again.
I will be interested to follow your progress.
Thank you and Good luck .

Thank you for your SPECS and the details of the symptoms.

I quickly reviewed the FOXCONN A7GM-S Board ( it's not Funncon :)) at - Foxconn A7GM-S AM2+/AM2 AMD 780G HDMI Micro ATX AMD Motherboard - AMD Motherboards
It is a good board and should support Win 7 X64.

I am guessing that you are installing this Win Bit 64 Build 7100 RC with another system like Windows Vista or Windows XP already installed on a different partition and running well without any major issues. If that is the case I would further assume you might have several USB peripherals on the system configured to work in the existing OS. If that assumption is correct, I suspect one or more of the USB devices attached to the MoBo or external USB ports might be interfering with the setup.

My suggestion based entirely on all those assumptions is to disconnect all of the USB devices including any USB Printers, Scanners, WeCam, Hubs, External HDDs and any Memory Card Readers installed in the case with USB connectors on to the MoBo, etc and then try Reinstall Win 7 again.
I will be interested to follow your progress.
Thank you and Good luck .

Theres nothing connected to my computer at the moment other then my monitor, so i don't think it can be that. And, i've done a clean install, and it's on the only partition, but i know the harddrive is functioning. I'm gonna try reburning the disk on another computer, but i can't really see any other problem that would mess with the installation.

yep i agree,,,in addition however, you may try to pull some of your memory and re-install after instaillation of OS. There have been a couple of us that had BSODs while installation. Mine turned out to be 1 stick of AMP brand RAM. Why? I haven't the slightest idea, but once it was removed installion went smooth.
Please repost with results.

Thanks for the help guys, but i solved it. The solution to your computer restarting when it begins setup is to format then re-install or redownloading, and reburning.

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