
New Member
Feb 2, 2009
As old as Creative Extigy external sound device is it was easy to install and set up in Windows 7 by using compatible with XP and the latest old drivers Creative has along with their player. Using 5.1 speaker set up with Artez speakers connected to the external device made it easier.
Hi everyone:

O.K., I solved this problem and got my SoundBlaster Extigy to work with Win 7 (64-bit machine). Here is what to do:

[FONT=&amp] Easy part: [/FONT][FONT=&amp]
1. Search your system for the old USBAUDIO.sys driver:

2. Copy old USBAUDIO.sys, (d.02-11-2006) to usb or floppy [/FONT]
Trickypart : [/FONT]
3. Go to C:\Windows\System32\Drivers
Rightclick USBAUDIO.sys (d.19-04-2008)> Unlocker >Choose Delete

4. Copy old USBAUDIO.sys, (d.02-11-2006) from usb or floppy toC:\Windows\Systems\Drivers

5. Reboot.[/FONT]
6. At reboot, Windows will block the Extigy from starting "because the manufacturer’s software was known to cause problems." Go into Device...
I just tried it again.. Ok you have to sit and skip through the ads but the download does become available eventually..
I just tried it again.. Ok you have to sit and skip through the ads but the download does become available eventually..

here kemical -> Link Removed - Invalid URL

i download it, but how i can install this driver in windows 7? sorry to my bad english : (

Anybody/Somebody can help me? really thanks.
thanks othar.

now i got the same problem you got: how to install?
That´s just so frustrating.
if i try to install it manually, windows says all drivers for sb extigy are up to date.
i´m desperate
You have to install it by by the 'have disk' method.. I'll try and do some screen shots.
Ok to install by the 'have disk' method first open the control panel and then device manager. Right-click on the hardware that needs updating and click properties, update driver. (see screenshot one).
On the next screen click 'Browse my computer for driver software'..
Then ignoring whats written in the address box click 'Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer'. (screenshot 2)
Then you see a screen with 'have disk' written on a button (screenshot 3), click the button.
Now when the next little box shows up click on 'Browse' (screenshot 4)
Then navigate to where your driver files have been extracted (lets say the download folder)(screenshot 5) and keep clicking on the driver folder until you see what looks like a text page, then click 'open' and then ok. Your driver will now be installed/updated.
Let me know if you get problems..
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Its for audigy card or extigy kemical? Thanks for your help.
oh boy...
first, thanks a lot for all your help, kemical!! i really appreciate it!!

but there´s still problems. my laptop says that i should check whether the driver is for x64 based systems (...i don´t know whether i translated it correctly?)
thats bits, right?

that driver probably doesnt work for windows x64 systems??? isn´t there anything i could do?

othar, you got a x32 system? does it work for you?
i think it should be extigy. i mean it´s called "sbext" , so...
I am currently having the same problem!
This is hardware that has been discontinued and so has no current support. The above is a hacked driver so it may work for some and not others... It might be better just to upgrade to something else if at all possible..
I tried my best to download the file from both sites but it is really not possible.i did wait and clicked through ads but came to dead end (payment pages etc) If anyone that has the file already could email it to me to: Its only 2.2Mb.

Thanks in advance
Working like a charm

I finally managed to download drivers, it works perfectly on my windows 7 x32. CMSS doesnt work but oh well, who needs it. For you that the drivers dont work make sure you have the latest firmware on your Extigy (V1.1.020507). I am not quite sure but i think the latest firmware came along with latest updated drivers for XP. The firmware/drivers upgrade occured under a single installation. You need to got XP though to do that.

Thank you very much for those drivers. Cant believe i installed an 8 year old sound card into a newly released o/s. Fantastic Job xD
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Hi HyperViper, can you explain how did it? step by step please and if you can with images/pictures because i know a little of english language.

thanks a lot,
SB extigy works with SBEXTG_W1_ENG

I used a driver i had downloaded before (probably from Creative website) to make Extigy work on my old PC with Win XP. That same driver that fixed my XP now fixed my new Win 7... it worked right away! All I did was run it, and that did it. I have a laptop samsung. the name of that driver is: SBEXTG_W1_ENG. you can probably google it.



I have not been able to get this right. Do you have any links to the drivers which you used and were working?
Hi everyone:

O.K., I solved this problem and got my SoundBlaster Extigy to work with Win 7 (64-bit machine). Here is what to do:

[FONT=&amp] Easy part: [/FONT][FONT=&amp]
1. Search your system for the old USBAUDIO.sys driver:

2. Copy old USBAUDIO.sys, (d.02-11-2006) to usb or floppy [/FONT]
Trickypart : [/FONT]
3. Go to C:\Windows\System32\Drivers
Rightclick USBAUDIO.sys (d.19-04-2008)> Unlocker >Choose Delete

4. Copy old USBAUDIO.sys, (d.02-11-2006) from usb or floppy toC:\Windows\Systems\Drivers

5. Reboot.[/FONT]
6. At reboot, Windows will block the Extigy from starting "because the manufacturer’s software was known to cause problems." Go into Device Manager (Right click Start button, Click Control Panel, Click Hardware and Sound, Click Devices Manager (under Devices and Printers section). You should see the Sound Blaster Extigy listed under Sound, video and game controllers

7. Uninstall the Soundblaster Extigy in Device Manager (right click the device) Uninstall

8. Close Device Manager

9. Remove Extigy USB connector from laptop/computer for at least 10 secs. and Turn off Extigy, Sub-woofer, Speakers

10. Now reconnectthe USB,

11. Turn on Extigy, Sub-woofer, Speakers…..

12. Windows will now install the July 13 2009 device driver

13. Right click on Speaker icon in taskbar….Click Playback Devices...Extigy should appear in the window along with any other playback devices installed on your computer.

14. Click on Extigy…make it the Default Device

15. Then, disable the internal speakers (in my case it was RealTech) and any other playback devices.

16. Right click Extigy, select Test….it works!!

If you don't have the Nov 2, 2006 driver, email me and we'll figure out a way to get it to you.

Good luck!!

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I updated this procedure...thanks Scott for spotting an error in Step 4

O.K., I solved this problem and got my SoundBlaster Extigy to work with Win 7 (64-bit machine). Here is what to do:

Easy part:
1. Search your system for the old USBAUDIO.sys driver:

2. Copy old USBAUDIO.sys, (d.02-11-2006) to usb or floppy

Trickypart :

3. Go to C:\Windows\System32\Drivers
Rightclick USBAUDIO.sys (d.19-04-2008)> Unlocker >Choose Delete

4. Copy old USBAUDIO.sys, (d.02-11-2006) from usb or floppy to C:\Windows\System32\Drivers

5. Reboot.

6. At reboot, Windows will block the Extigy from starting "because the manufacturer’s software was known to cause problems." Go into Device Manager (Right click Start button, Click Control Panel, Click Hardware and Sound, Click Devices Manager (under Devices and Printers section). You should see the Sound Blaster Extigy listed under Sound, video and game controllers

7. Uninstall the Soundblaster Extigy in Device Manager (right click the device) Uninstall

8. Close Device Manager

9. Remove Extigy USB connector from laptop/computer for at least 10 secs. and Turn off Extigy, Sub-woofer, Speakers

10. Now reconnectthe USB,

11. Turn on Extigy, Sub-woofer, Speakers…..

12. Windows will now install the July 13 2009 device driver

13. Right click on Speaker icon in taskbar….Click Playback Devices...Extigy should appear in the window along with any other playback devices installed on your computer.

14. Click on Extigy…make it the Default Device

15. Then, disable the internal speakers (in my case it was RealTech) and any other playback devices.

16. Right click Extigy, select Test….it works!!

If you don't have the Nov 2, 2006 driver, email me and we'll figure out a way to get it to you.

Good luck!!
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