Windows 7 Disable Smooth Scrolling in Internet Explorer to improve scrolling performance using touchpads and m

Perhaps one of the most annoying features of any version of Internet Explorer, including version 9 is smooth scrolling.

While it does make scrolling very well... smooth, it's also annoying when using the scroll function of my touchpad.

Disabling it is a dire task - until you figure out how to do it.

Open Internet Options and Navigate to the "Advanced" tab, from there find "Use Smooth Scrolling" under the browsing section, and uncheck the box.

Smooth scrolling essentially takes the jittery motion of scrolling 3-5 lines at a time, and makes it "smooth", but when you're using a touchpad and need to get to the bottom of a page quick, you'll find yourself waiting several seconds for the browser to scroll to the bottom because every rotation or movement of the finger would count as the default value of 3-5 lines.
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