Windows 8 Display - Screen imperfection issue that expands & resets when off


Extraordinary Member
Dec 20, 2016
This is an old existing issue that I have had on an old Laptop that I purchased in 2015.

On the top left area there is a bright discoloration that takes only a small part of the screen. Maybe 0.1%.

This would reset and go away at any time that the screen is off for about 30-60 min. No need to turn the PC off. Just resets when the screen is off back to 0. So it might be heat related.

It is a standard LCD over LED backlight screen.

It expands at a rate of just a few pixels per hour but stops when it reaches a certain size.

It has been there for several years already.

I tried to remove and reattach the screen cable but that did not help.

Can anyone explain what is the cause of this issue?

Can it be solved or is it a screen defect?

The attached image was found on the internet and it is exactly the same as what I have but mine is about 1/3 of that at the moment. but it might expand more if I leave the screen on for even a longer time.

It called image persistence.


No solution found on the internet. It seems that it is an imperfection in the screen. So it is a hardware issue.

Not a big deal since it does not affect a big area of the screen.

Yup, sounds like you have some pixels are on the fritz. Screen replacement is likely your only fix.

For what ever reason, the issue has improved on it's own. now the area is far less than before. Now it only moves down by 1/2 a mm. which is about 1/25 inch.

I hope it will last like that until the laptop dies.
