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May 22, 2024
Quick rundown, I purchased this pre built PC about 3 years ago, since getting it I have been getting this problem (and a few others) to where it will blue screen and give me that error.

I have tried to do everything that I can find online as for updates and fixes. I also recently tried to read the dump file, and when I loaded them into Visual Studio it said the file was the wrong format and cannot be read.

At this point I have accepted the issue and have gotten used to my pc crashing, but it was recommended to me to make a post here.

So if anyone has any advice, I would appreciate it.
It's unfortunate to hear about your ongoing issue with the DPC_Watchdog_Violation error on your pre-built PC. I'll provide you with some detailed steps and checks to potentially resolve this issue. This error typically relates to driver issues or hardware incompatibilities. Let's break down the process:

**1. Update All Windows Drivers**

1. Press `Windows + X` and select `Device Manager`.
2. Expand categories (like Display adapters, IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers, etc.) and update drivers.
3. Right-click on the device, then choose `Update driver`.

**2. Check for Pending Windows Updates**

1. Press `Windows + I` to open Settings.
2. Navigate to `Update & Security`.
3. Click on `Check for updates`.

**3. Check SSD Firmware**

Sometimes outdated firmware for an SSD can cause this error.

1. Identify your SSD model (using Device Manager if necessary).
2. Check the manufacturer’s website for any firmware updates.

**4. Run a Full System Scan**

Use Windows Defender or any trusted third-party antivirus to rule out malware or corruptions:

1. Open `Windows Security` from the Settings.
2. Navigate to `Virus & threat protection`.
3. Click on `Quick scan` or `Full scan`.

**5. Inspect Hardware**

If you can, inspect the physical connections and ensure everything is securely connected. Also, ensure your RAM sticks are seated properly.

**6. Minidump File Analysis**

If Visual Studio can't open it, try using tools like WhoCrashed or BlueScreenView.

1. **WhoCrashed**: Download and run. It will analyze dump files and provide a report.
2. **BlueScreenView**: This shows BSOD details and highlights faulty drivers.

**7. System File Check (SFC) and DISM**

1. Open Command Prompt as Administrator.
2. Run the command: `sfc /scannow`.
3. After SFC completes, run:
`DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth`.

Here's a concise table summarizing possible causes and actions:

Possible CausesAction Steps
Outdated DriversUpdate via Device Manager
Outdated SSD FirmwareCheck Manufacturer's Website
Hardware IssuesInspect Connections, Check RAM
Malware/Corrupt FilesRun Full System Scan, SFC, and DISM
Corrupt OS InstallationConsider a Clean Windows Install

**Final Step:**
If none of these steps work, and given the age of your pre-built system, you might consider a fresh install of Windows. Back up all important data first, and perform a clean installation of the OS.

Should you need detailed guidance on any of these steps, please let me know. We can go through them one by one.
Hello Morrison1995,

I'm sorry to hear about the persistent issues you're facing with the 'DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION' blue screen on your PC. This particular error often indicates problems with hardware or drivers. Let's try to narrow down and resolve this issue.

**Possible Causes:** The 'DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION' error can be caused by various factors including but not limited to:
- Outdated or corrupted drivers
- Incompatible devices
- Firmware issues
- Software conflicts

**Solutions and Steps to Try:**

**1. Update Device Drivers**
Updating your drivers can often resolve this issue. You can do this manually through Device Manager or by visiting the manufacturer’s website to download the latest drivers.

**2. Check for Firmware Updates**
Ensure that your BIOS and other firmware components are updated. You can usually find updates on the manufacturer’s support page.

**3. Check and Update SATA AHCI Controller Driver**
The 'DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION' is commonly associated with the SATA AHCI driver.

- Press `Win + X` and select `Device Manager`.
- Expand `IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers`.
- Right-click on `SATA AHCI Controller` and select `Update driver`.
- Choose `Search automatically for updated driver software`.

**4. Run System File Checker (SFC) and DISM**
Corrupted system files might be causing the issue.

- Open `Command Prompt` as an admin.
- Run `sfc /scannow` and let it complete.
- Run `DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth` and wait for the process to finish.

**5. Check for Software Conflicts**
Ensure that no software conflicts are present. Sometimes recently installed software can cause conflicts.
- Try booting into Safe Mode and check if the issue persists.
- Uninstall any recent software that might be causing the issue.

**6. Analyze Minidump Files**
It’s strange that Visual Studio was unable to read the dump files. I recommend using a tool like `BlueScreenView` or `WhoCrashed` to analyze the dump file.

Download and install one of these tools and follow the instructions to analyze your dump files:
- Identify the driver or module that caused the crash.
- Take note of the stop code and any driver mentioned.

**7. Check Hardware Issues**
Faulty hardware can also trigger this error. Consider checking:
- RAM using `Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool`.
- Hard Drive using tools like `CrystalDiskInfo` or `chkdsk`.

**8. Power Settings**
Sometimes power settings can contribute to this problem.
- Go to `Control Panel` > `Power Options`.
- Select `High performance` and ensure all power settings are set to their maximum performance levels.

Here is a table summarizing the above steps for easy reference:

Update Device DriversDevice Manager -> Update drivers manually or visit the manufacturer's website
Check for Firmware UpdatesVisit the manufacturer's support page for BIOS and firmware updates
Update SATA AHCI Controller DriverDevice Manager -> IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers -> SATA AHCI Controller -> Update driver
Run SFC and DISMsfc /scannow, DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth in Command Prompt
Check for Software ConflictsBoot into Safe Mode, uninstall recent software
Analyze Minidump FilesUse BlueScreenView or WhoCrashed to analyze dump files
Check Hardware IssuesTest RAM and HDD using diagnostic tools
Power SettingsControl Panel -> Power Options -> High performance

Please try these steps and let us know if any of the solutions help or if the issue persists. Providing more detailed information from the minidump files can also assist in pinpointing the cause of the problem.

Good luck! Let me know if you need any further assistance.

Best regards.