
New Member
Jan 10, 2009
Hi I installed Windows 7 no probs, but it seems a bit overbearing in that it boots straight to windows 7. Which bypasses my XP 64 install which happens to contain important work. To make matters worse I followed this tut on how to create a boot screen How to Add Vista to Windows 7 Boot Manager However this seems to have made things worse, as when you boot into the other partition a windows 7 screen comes up and says its repairing the files. Which seems worrying so I stop it before it completes the operation.
Hope someone else has encounted something simmilar!
Regards fatty

Dual Boot choice

Right click my computer, go to advanced setting at the bottom you see startup and recovery
next page you see Default operating system , make your choice.

I have XP as my choice!
Win7 due boot with error message

I try to install the win7 with my existant WinXp, I created a partitiion in Disk 1 Volume "Windos 7" with 19.9gb after installation to pick the drive, the error message appear as "Windows cannot be installed to this disk. (Show details)" by checking into the explation is "Windos cannot be installed to this hard disk space. The partion ontains one or more dynamic volumes that are not supported for installtion."

Please help.

Dual Boot choice

Right click my computer, go to advanced setting at the bottom you see startup and recovery
next page you see Default operating system , make your choice.

I have XP as my choice!
