Windows 10 Enable support for legacy file shares

As with Windows 8 and 8.1 accessing legacy (Win 2k3 Server) file shares, Windows 10 requires a bit of tweaking. It is slightly different than Windows 8.

  • Press the Win Key + r
  • Type regedit <enter>
  • Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters
  • Create the following values if they do not exist
    • NAME: RequireSecureNegotiate TYPE: REG_QWORD VALUE: 2
    • NAME: RequireSecuritySignature TYPE: REG_DWORD VALUE: 2
  • Reboot
*NOTE* RequireSecureNegotiate is of type DWORD in Windows 8/8.1 for both 32 bit and 64 bit. In Windows 10 64 bit you are forced to make it a QWORD. I have not been able to confirm if this is the case with 32 bit. It may in fact be a DWORD.
Have you tested this on a fresh install of WX or is it only for a basic install over the top of a W8.1 already listed on that server share?

I would expect a fresh X install to share with out issue because it's not "caked on top" but I haven't got around to testing that yet...