
New Member
Jan 20, 2009
After having a little fiddle in event viewer (as one does) to see what's going on.. i tried to close the viewer and a box appeared saying that i need to "close all dialog boxes first" before it will close.
after closing ALL the boxes required again clicked close, and again the afore mentioned box appeared.
I am 100% sure ALL relevent boxes were closed
the only way i found to close the event viewer was to open task manager and force it to close it that way.

I have 4 computers here,, 3 of which run Windows 7,,2 of them had this problem and a subsequent hardware failure on one of them forced a re-install of Windows 7 and now DOESN'T have this problem.. only this one has it now.
I cannot be arsed to re-install the op sys because there is over 2 Terabytes of stuff on a raid 0 drive set... besides it's all backed up to a ghost/Acronis image anyway so re-installing from that may put the problem back again.
Has anyone else found this problem or have i made a fundamental mistake somewhere or is this a software issue??
although this isn't a major problem as most of us can't decypher half the crap that's in the viewer anyway But if it's broke ..i wanna fix it

Kind regards to all who can help

I think this results from installing IE9 (beta). It replaces the XML parser that Windows comes with. To end the Event Viewer, use Task Manager to kill "mmc.exe" (Microsoft Management Console).
It does it to me sometimes, Are you sure 100% all the boxes are closed? One might be lurking behind a window or somthing, Nothing serious, just a pain. if you open many, you forget and they go behind stuff.

I have the same issue with my Windows 7 Ult 64 Bit machine.

I have all of the dialog boxes closed and then I try to close the main Windows Event Viewer and it give me the error that all Dialog Boxes have to be closed.

I know that I can close it by going to the Task Manager but if there is a problem (which I know there is) I would rather fix it than have to go through these extra steps

I get it too. Just a small bug. I kill it with Task Manager.

On a separate issue, Event Viewer (eventvwr.msc) is one of those executables that has a 32-bit version and a 64-bit version in the system32 and SysWOW64 folder, respectively. Why does Win7 64-bit Admnistrative Tools control panel open the 32-bit file instead of the 64-bit one?

I think this results from installing IE9 (beta). It replaces the XML parser that Windows comes with. To end the Event Viewer, use Task Manager to kill "mmc.exe" (Microsoft Management Console).
